S. 2 EP. 11 Movie Marathon

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Since Julianna lived at the autobot base. She was currently the only human there and she was about to watch Alien with her favorite Wrecker. However she couldn't stand the thought of him just standing there the whole time. And since he was trying to continue to work her out of the programming MECH had shoved into her head, the Autobots tended to be more indulgent when she had her eccentric moments.

This was one of those times.

Julie had commandeered an empty storage room and gotten them to rearrange some huge empty metal crates into the semblance of a big couch. Wheeljack made a face before welding them together so it wouldn't fall apart on them, then added some padding to make it more comfortable. and then on a whim a few more crates in front of it to mimic the coffee table the kids had in the main room. Julie had trailed back and forth, hauling a few bean bag chairs into the room before trying to set up speakers and a projector system she had gotten out of storage where she kept her truck and other things.

"So what is this movie again?" Wheeljack asked as he forced her to sit and helped finish setup. If she kept moving around like this she'd get underfoot and then there'd be trouble.

"It's called Alien. It's a really good horror movie. Freaks me out every time. I haven't seen it in forever and I never watch it alone. I used to watch these movies with my dad. You'll figure everything out as you watch it. I don't want to spoil it for you." She grinned while pulling it up on her laptop, finishing the setup on the technical end while he handled all the physical instillations. Bulkhead was busy painting the wall white where the projector light shone for a better viewing screen.

"If you say so Sunshine." Wheeljack shrugged, everyone knew of her love for horror at this point so it didn't phase him. He was finishing putting the speakers up where she'd marked for them to go. Once he was done he plopped down onto the new bot sized couch and Bulkhead joined him after he cleaned himself up. Finally some decent sized furniture and a bot sided movie screen!

"We gotta make more stuff our size for this room later. How awesome would it be to not be completely surrounded by tiny stuff all the time?" Bulkhead grinned.

"I think I can manage something." Wheeljack chuckled, "this place is like living in a minicon community."

"I know right?" Bulkhead agreed.

Julie wiggled further down into the bean bag and hit play. The room was mildly dark so it'd be scarier.

Through the movie Julie squeaked and shrieked in terror and hid under a blanket when horrible things were about to happen. She even up and abandoned her bean bag in favor of sitting next to Wheeljack, leaning against his thigh. He thought she was pretty cute and adjusted himself so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt her. The movie did get him to jump a few times and Bulkhead screamed once. Just once.

Alien proved to be a pretty good movie.

By the sequel the guys were fully into it and Julie was still leaning on her wrecker for support all huddled in her blanket. Bee and Arcee had joined them and gawked at the new massive bot sized couch, Arcee sat on the floor and bee took the middle seat every so often Bee would beep in terror.

"No no no! Don't do that! The Xenomoroh will-" Bulkhead started.

The character on the screen was impaled by the alien's tail.

"scrap." He huffed

The only fuss made was when Ratchet came running because everyone but Arcee had screamed either in terror or, in Wheeljack's case, "Oh come on!"

Julie had successfully turned Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee into Alien fans. Up Next... Star Wars.

Over the next few days a few bot sized chairs were added to the room and Wheeljack tinkered around and managed to make a PlayStation controller that fit his hands. His next project would be switch Joycons but for the moment he and Julie had a plan.

The bots and the kids were all in the new movie room and Jack was setting up the PlayStation 4 for Julie. Wheeljack plopped his new controller down on the bot sized coffee table.

"Is that?" Bulkhead's interest was piqued.

"Yeah. If it works I'll make more. Don't break it." Wheeljack replied

"I wasn't gonna." Bulkhead protested, picking it up to look at it. His hands were chunkier than Wheeljack's but he could still manage to toggle all the buttons with a little difficulty.

Bumblebee came over and asked to see it and whirred in excitement as he held it. He could finally play games with Raf!

"Calm down kid. I don't even know if it'll work." Wheeljack chuckled, taking it back.

"I haven't actually seen you make stuff if it wasn't an explosive or dealt with ships before, Jackie." Bulkhead said surprised

"I used to invent as a hobby before the war." Wheeljack shrugged.

"Jaaaackie!" Julie whined as she turned on the PlayStation "come on!"

Wheeljack laughed a bit. "Okay okay! I'm coming!" He sat down and helped Julie up onto the couch next to him.

"You ready?" Julie grinned up at him.

"Let's get this thing connected first." Wheeljack smiled at the bouncing human.

Julie squealed when the connection went live. "My favorite gaaaaames!" She cried as she pointed at Mass Effect Legendary edition. "You HAVE to play too!"

"Calm down!" He laughed as he logged into his user profile that Julie had made for him.

He started the first game and created his Shepard which was a colonist war hero combat engineer. Julie watched him for quite some time only helping him if he got lost on certain maps.

"Fucking Mako." He hissed as the vehicle was notoriously difficult to drive even after it was given an overhaul in the legendary edition.

"It was worse in the original version. Shep is the worst driver in the galaxy."

"I've seen worse. You should have seen Leadfoot try to pilot a ship." Wheeljack snorted

Hours passed and Wheeljack lost himself in the game, eventually noticing that it was late at night and Julie had passed out leaning against his leg. He smiled and saved the game before getting up and taking her to bed.

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