S. 2 EP. 16 Deadly Circumstances and Bots in Distress

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Soundwave carried Julianna to the bridge of the Nemesis where she was handed to Megatron as he was opening a Comm Chanel with Optimus and the rest of the bots. Julie started struggling again when she was handed to the warlord.

"Optimus Prime. I have something of yours."

"Megatron. Return Julianna at once."

"Not a chance Prime. Unless you are willing to make a trade. Give me all of your relics for this fleshling's life."

"Don't do it Optimus! I'm not worth it!" Julianna called out to the prime.

"Silence human." Megatron hissed giving her a squeeze

She gasped and hissed "Why don't you go-"

Soundwave blocked out the rest of her words with a long censoring bleep.

The bot's jaws dropped when they realized what she was doing. And when she finally seemed to finish a minute and a half later she crossed her arms over her chest with a very sour look on her flushed face.

Megatron eyed her.

"Meet me at these coordinates in one hour. Bring all of your relics if you want her back. No harm will come to your... colorful... Little pet in the meantime." Megatron growled.

When the comm line was cut he walked past Dreadwing and deposited the foul mouthed human in the blue and gold mech's servos. "Watch this one carefully. I have some business with our newest recruits that needs tending to."

"Very well, Lord Megatron. No harm will come to her." Dreadwing nodded.

The appointed hour passed and Julianna was brought down to the surface of the planet and handed over to a vehicon which stood behind Megatron, Dreadwing and Arachnid. The trooper was not to let go of her under any circumstances.

She watched as all the bots except Ratchet appeared out of the ground bridge. They had all the relics they possessed except for the reliquary with them which was firmly attached to her hip and the cons didn't know what it was. Wheeljack had his blades already drawn.

"Relics and weapons on the ground Prime. And I want to see your hands in the air. Or pretty little Julianna dies."

"No! No no no no no!" Julie watched in despair as the bots did as they were told. And Wheeljack was the last to comply as he chucked his swords reluctantly to the ground. The bots were ambushed by Breakdown, Knockout, and several vehicons from behind and stasis cuffs were shackled around their wrists; they incapacitated them yet still left them awake. They were all forced to their knees and held in place. Megatron laughed.

Julianna struggled in the trooper's grip "I'm not worth this!" She strained against the vehicon's hand trying to pry open the fingers as Megatron monologued about how inferior the autobots were for their bleeding hearts.

"Now. Who should we execute first? Hm?" Julie's eyes snapped up in horror. "How about we let the human choose." Megatron turned to face Julie, "What do you say, human? Which autobot dies first?" He gave her a sadistic grin.

"No! I won't do it!" She refused, her eyes unintentionally flicking from his face to Wheeljack's. She wouldn't let him die. Not here. Not today. Not ever.

"Oh?" He turned to peer at the autobots figuring out who she was looking at. His gaze settled on Wheeljack. "Ah." He looked back at her and smirked.

"Wheeljack, will be the first to die." Megatron smirked.

Wheeljack was dragged away from the other bots and a blaster was jammed into the back of his helm. His eyes never left Julianna who was struggling even harder now and reaching out for him. He could hear her screaming and a blaster preparing to fire. All he could feel was regret for not being able to save her.

His mind went numb and suddenly he wasn't seeing what was around him anymore. His life was flashing before his eyes... only.... This scene wasn't his life? Was it?

A mech lay dying in a femme's arms. Wheeljack felt uneasy he knew that femme. That was.... His sparkmate? Wheeljack didn't have a sparkmate. Wait... He somehow knew that he was the dying mech? What was going on here?

The femme cried as the mech's biolights flickered "No no no no... why isn't it working? Why can't I heal you? Don't leave me, please. Not again." Her voice cracked.

"it'll be alright my love. When I am reborn my spark will always find yours." He tried to reassure her, brushing his battered knuckles across her cheek.

"But you will not remember me." Her voice quivered but still held its ethereal undertones. "Each time you die and return you forget me. You've died three times. This will be your fourth death. I can not take it anymore... The next time we meet we will both be new people... Our sparks will always find each other."

"You can finally be unburdened. I look forward to falling in love with you all over again. I do not know what our next lives will be like, but I will always love you."

The Femme started to sob as the mech's biolights finally fizzled out.

Wheeljack blinked As the world as he knew it came back into view. The blaster still charging against the back of his head, his mind reeling and racing at hyper speed. He'd died four times before? He'd left that strange femme alone four times? and then he realized he was going to involuntarily leave her alone again and the thought confused his head but made his spark drop into his tanks with dread. Where was she? Why did he care about this femme he never even knew so much? Why did it distress him more than anything to think that he let her down? Why why why why why...

Then something like a flash-bang grenade went off and there was a wave of compressed air that sent his executioner stumbling backward. It knocked him over and he couldn't see what was going on. It sounded like pure chaos. He struggled to sit up and what he finally saw made his jaw drop.

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