S. 2 EP. 10 Christmas With The Bots

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After Ratchet's apology Julie began opening up to the other Autobots and June, Jack and Miko again. November quickly passed by and December was finally here.

The kids were doing something to their space in the main room of the base Julie and Jamie were dragging a large Rubbermaid container over and the other six were carrying some boxes.

Julie was instructing and coordinating the mess they were making then they began building something with her brother from the Rubbermaid container that started to resemble a pine tree.

The bots looked on with mild interest as this went on.

Finally Wheeljack couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hey Sunshine. What are you guys up to?"

"We're putting together a Christmas Tree. Some people go out and buy actual trees. But false ones are easier to get ahold of and it doesn't have to be watered." She explained

"Okay. So what is Christmas?" He asked.

She blinked for a moment. "Oh. I forgot that you haven't been here that long. Christmas is on December twenty fifth and it's a day where people go and exchange gifts and celebrate being together. Though we usually prepare for it all month long" She tried to explain the holiday as best she could as she helped Jamie and Jack put branches on the tree.

"Okay. I think I got it." He smiled a little.

Once the tree was up they started putting lights on it and tinsel and a few other decorations. The group genuinely seemed to be having fun and it was quite the social event for them. Once they had seemed to finish their decorating Julie ran over to a chair and grabbed a small box.

"Hey Raf. You're the youngest. Wanna put the star on top?" Jamie asked

"Sure!" He smiled warmly.

Julie walked over to the boy and opened the box. Inside was a silver star with fiber optics in it. Raf pulled it out and looked up at the tree.

"Hey bee. Could you give Raf a boost?" Julie asked.

The yellow bot beeped and whirred an affirmative and offered Raf his hand.

Raf hopped on and bee lifted him up and Raf put the star on top and plugged it into the other lights. Bee then lowered the boy back down to their platform.

Erica was helping Max duct tape an extension cord down to where the tree was.

"Alright. Ready guys?" Axel asked, preparing to plug in the tree.

"Definitely" Jack grinned

"Yep" Raf nodded

"Light it up!" Miko bounced.

Axel nodded and plugged it in.

The tree lit up in a rainbow of colors and the ornaments glittered with the reflected lighting. They continued to decorate their platform, garland was strung around the railing and a little train set was built around the tree's base. A lot of work was put into making the place festive.

The bots seemed to like it and the kids were proud of their work.

Through the following week the pile of things under said tree seemed to grow.

Eventually Christmas Eve came and while many of the humans were away from the base that night, Julie and Jamie were piled on the couch together in their pajamas both looking sleepy, Jamie without his usual visor and Julie for once was without her long haired wig so the short hair she had been growing was in quite the messy pixie cut as her natural waves were making her hair curl in strange ways when it was so short.

They seemed to be enjoying themselves while watching 'A Year Without a Santa Claus' and other old stop motion Christmas movies. Wheeljack, Bulkhead and Bumblebee had decided to watch with them, standing behind the couch. Ratchet was at his console trying to appear busy as he also watched. Apparently this was an important yearly tradition for the twins since they were little.

The lights were off in the room and the old source of light was the television, Ratchet's console and the bright and colorful Christmas tree.

The bots had thought it was a strange looking set of movies. But the message in them was nice enough.

Eventually Julie and Jamie passed out and Wheeljack covered them up before everyone else went off to recharge for the night.

The next morning Julie and Jamie exchanged gifts, Julie getting a brand new Nintendo Switch and a plethora of games to go with it and Jamie got a new very expensive looking trumpet which he immediately put to use playing boogie woogie bugle boy and annoying the fuck out of Ratchet and Crosshairs in the process.

Julie spent most of the day sitting on Wheeljack's shoulder playing with her new switch.

"I wish you could play too." Julie told him

"Oh?" He raised an optic ridge at her.

"Yeah! I think you'd have fun. Plus there's multiplayer games I want to share with you but your hands are too big and it's not fair for you to be in your holoform all the time or that you have to stand if you want to watch tv with me. You deserve a place to sit too. Aaaand as good looking as your holoform is. I prefer the real you." Julie nudged his audial fin with her shoulder.

"I'm glad you do." He chuckled. "I'll try to figure something out. I'm pretty sure there's an empty storage space we can repurpose."

"That'd be so cool. Set up a projector and a sound system so the screen is huge and no one is struggling to see and bot sized seats so you can relax too." She grinned

"You'd still probably take over one of those seats with a pillow nest like you have in the Jackhammer." Jackie teased

"Never know until we build the thing." She laughed

"That's fair." He chuckled

Later everyone was back at base. Even June, Agatha Fowler and Agent Fowler were there.

Everyone was chatting happily and sitting around. Soon enough presents were being passed out.

The bots got a few trinkets and the humans had several gifts each but Julie seemed to get the most gifts out of everyone.

"The hell did you dooooo?" Julie demanded as she picked at the tape that completely covered the wrapping paper on Max's gift.

"Haha sorry chica couldn't resist!" Max said awkwardly

"He did it to all of his gifts." Axel said unamused, holding up a box, pulling out a pocket knife and flicking it open before cutting the wrapping paper off his gift and he passed it around to the others so they could get their gifts open.

"Dude you're evil." Jack shook his head

"Nah just loco." Max grinned.

She shook her head and was finally passed the knife and she opened the gift and it was a few new computer parts. "Oooh new capture card, ram sticks, and a video card. Upgrade time."

Everyone chuckled as more presents were ripped open. Eventually Julie was surrounded by a large cloud of paper with enough computer parts to upgrade everything in her desktop that she wanted to. She was geeking out about technical specs as she pulled a hoodie on that Jack had gotten her and she yanked the hood over her head to hide her face. It had fan art of her youtube persona on the back. It was of her with a flamethrower spraying fire at a Xenomorph and she loved it.

Wheeljack chuckled, she'd set up a PlayStation account for him and gotten him several digital games. He pulled on her hood gently so he could see her face. "Thanks Sunshine." He smiled at her.

"You're welcome." She replied with a smile.

More and more they were seeing her return to her old mannerisms. Today was a good day.

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