S. 2 EP. 17 What Is She?!

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"Now. Who should we execute first? Hm?"

Julie's eyes snapped up in horror.

"How about we let the human choose." Megatron turned to face Julie "what do you say human? Which autobot dies first?" He gave her a sadistic grin.

"No! I won't do it!" She refused, her eyes unintentionally flicking from his face to Wheeljack's. She wouldn't let him die. Not here. Not today. Not ever.

"Oh?" He turned to peer at the autobots figuring out who she was looking at. His gaze settled on Wheeljack. "Ah." He looked back at her and smirked.

"Wheeljack, will be the first to die." Megatron stated, still making eye contact with Julie.

Julianna's blood turned to ice "No!" She screamed and started thrashing in the vehicon's grip. She watched him struggle as he got dragged out from the group of imprisoned autobots. "No no no no no! Wheeljack No!" Her arm shot out In front of her as she reached for him. She could see sorrow and regret in his eyes as a blaster was jammed against the back of his head. She saw the light starting to grow as it charged to fire. "WHEELJACK!"

There was an explosion of light and smoke from the small human and a wave of air was launched outward knocking everyone off balance and catching them by surprise.

A vehicon approached the cloud of smoke with his blasters drawn.

"What is going on back here!" Megatron bellowed whirling around.

A servo shot out of the smoke grabbing the vehicon by the faceplate. The con didn't have time to react before he was swung around and flung off halfway across the large canyon.

A white and black femme with red and green accents white bio-lights and optics leapt over Megatron and dashed away from the group of Decepticons. The vehicon's in her path opened fire as she bore down on them she was a whirlwind of punches and kicks sending many a con flying back, metal audibly crushing from the force.

The style of fighting she used was foreign to the Decepticons but the Autobots who were able to see the femme recognized it immediately. Northern Shaolin Kung Fu. The very fighting style that Julianna was known to use. She was tearing the Decepticons apart. She ran and dove for Wheeljack's swords, rolling into a crouch.

Wheeljack gaped at her, the femme from his vision but slightly different, younger in appearance. He didn't know what to say or expect before noticing something off about her. The femme's optics were dull and unfocused.

She was running on autopilot.

Pure raw instinct.

Gripping the handles of Wheeljack's twin katana tight she quickly slashed her forearm, the reliquary at her waist glowed as a spark quickly flew out the glowing white energon dripped onto it before the injury quickly sealed itself back up. The femme sprang back into action, gone before the Autobots could voice anything or attempt to stop her.

The spark glowed and took the form of a mech many knew to be dead in the war on Cybertron. His frame was made of a crystalline substance and they could see the spark pulsing in his chest. The mech raced over and righted Wheeljack onto his feet.

"You have to stop her." The Mech stated firmly.

"Who the frag are you and what is going on?" Wheeljack asked.

"I am Redalert. I died in the blitz of Iacon, my spark became lost. Now focus! You have to stop her! It's not saving Cons, she's not ready to use some of the abilities that her subconscious is having her use! She'll tear herself apart! Not to mention she's never killed anything worse than an insect in this lifetime!" The mech snapped as he pried the stasis cuffs off of Wheeljack. "You're the only one who has a shot at stopping this!"

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