S. 2 EP. 9 Halloween Mayhem

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The school year continued and so did Julie's improvement with the help of Agatha and Julie's chaotic group of friends. Jamie, Max, Axel and Erica continued to be major stabilizers in Julie's life. They had encouraged Julie to try out for the school musical which she did and got one of the leading roles. As she became established in a fixed but very busy routine Julie became even more stable and her random panicked outbursts became fewer and farther in between. For the most part she ignored the Autobots, Jack and Miko which was painful for many of them but they couldn't do anything about it. She just existed in the same space as them but continued to not look at or speak to them.

Wheeljack loved football when introduced to it. He loved Lobbing as a sport on Cybertron and the game was similar but also different enough to keep him entertained. He and Julie would go to the football games every week. It was a fun time for both of them and another way to get Julie reacquainted with loud sounds that weren't threats. In any case she always brought headphones with her to help block out extra sound when the crowd noise became too much for her.

Today, however, was a very special day. It was Halloween. Julie's favorite holiday.

Jamie slid several large trunks over to Max and Axel.

"Okay my dudes. Costumes." Jamie checked each box. "There's a big Halloween bash going down tonight, Jewels actually wants to go. So she picks her costume and then we take cues from her and match. We'll all go as a group."

"Maybe kick up some trouble while we're at it." Max grinned.

"Definitely." Jamie grinned back.

Eventually Julie appeared and began looking at the trunks "really? Some of those are so old though" she laughed

"Heeey! We might be able to fit something!" Axel protested.

"Okay okay... how about this one?" Julie picked one of the boxes "it's our most recent cosplay set."

"The Star Wars stuff? We can work with that." Jamie mused

The group dug into the trunk and pulled out their individual costumes.

Julie pulled out a rather sinister looking helmet and put it on then pulled out a wicked two sided lightsaber.

Max and Axel pulled out purge trooper helmets and smirked at each other.

"Come on Jewels, hit us with your best Second Sister." Jamie grinned

"Is this all of them?" She looked over to Max who quickly put the helmet on.

"Yes, Second Sister." He nodded in response, playing along with Julie.

The Autobots in the room went rigid at the sound of the voice they had come to dread from her.

"We seek a dangerous fugitive. This is no common anarchist but a devotee of the treasonous Jedi Order. Turn yourself in or everyone present shall face summary execution." Julie recited one of the Second Sister's lines using the character's voice.

Jamie laughed and pulled out his lightsaber and lit it up.

"Look at this. A lightsaber!" Julie exclaimed

The twins launched into a playful but short lightsaber duel before breaking apart and collecting the rest of their costume items.

Julie trotted off happily with Erica in tow with her own costume while Max and Axel had changed into black body suits already and were putting on Armor pieces.

Jamie noticed a mood shift in the area and looked up at the bots.

"You guys okay?" He asked

"That was the voice." Arcee replied

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