S. 2 EP. 22 A Femme Scorned

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- three days later, during the chapter 'Deadly Circumstances and Bots in Distress' -

Echo and Spitfire were told to wait outside the doors to the bridge. They listened carefully and heard muffled voices and goings on inside.
"Meet me at these coordinates in one hour. Bring all of your relics if you want her back. No harm will come to your... colorful... Little pet in the meantime." Megatron growled.

"Watch this one carefully. I have some business with our newest recruits that needs tending to."  The warlord instructed after the comm was cut.

"Very well Lord Megatron. No harm will come to her."

Megatron walked out of the bridge doors and looked at them. "You two. Follow me."

The two femmes nodded and followed the mech down through the winding maze of hallways to what seemed to be a medical bay.

"Lord Megatron! How good to see you my lord." Knockout spoke.

"Leave." Megatron flicked his fingers at Knockout and Breakdown.

The two gave a respectful nod and left.

"Now. You may be Soundwave's niece but that will earn you no special treatment from me. You will tell me exactly why you stated that this human should not be terminated under any circumstance. Otherwise I will terminate the both of you myself."

"When the goddess Cilestia fell to stasis she fortold that the next time one of them awakened they would not be upon Cybertron's soil. And that they would take on a new form and a new life unknowing of their origins." Spitfire stated

"During the war for Cybertron it was our covenant's duty to protect the five slumbering goddesses. Someone managed to steal from the shrine within the well of all sparks. Goddess Quicksilver has been missing ever since." Echo said nervously.

"We believe that the human you currently possess could possibly be Goddess Quicksilver. And if that is true. If she were able to find out who she truly was. She could return to Cybertron to awaken her sisters and revive the entire planet." The red femme finished.

Megatron stared at them dumbfounded. They were either extremely stupid.... Or what they just told him was absolutely true.

"If what you say is real... How would we go about awakening this goddess?" Megatron questioned them.

"She is already awakening on her own. It is gradual but if nothing too emotionally taxing occurs it will be a few earth years yet." Echo explained

"Agreed." Spitfire nodded.

Megatron mulled it over. "Emotionally taxing?"

"We do not recommend any action to force a transformation. She is still maturing and would not be ready for the powers she possesses. She is a goddess of death." Echo warned

"I will take any action I desire." Megatron snapped. "You two will remain here until I have decided what to do with you.

-later that day-

There was an explosion of light and smoke from behind him and a shockwave of air was launched outward knocking him off balance, catching him by surprise. Megatron snarled.
A vehicon approached the cloud of smoke with his blasters drawn.

"What is going on back here!" Megatron bellowed whirling around.

He felt his jaw go slack as something tossed a vehicon across the canyon like a beanie baby out of a catapult. Then that something flew over his head and was tearing his army apart. He looked for a human finding none his eyes settled on the silver femme as she reached the Autobot's katana. "By Primus it is true. They weren't telling a lie." He backed up a few steps from the shock of realization. He was looking at a daughter of Primus. A goddess that rarely anyone knew about.

A DEATH goddess.

She threw a blade at him and her energon splattered on his arm and he hissed as it burned.

"Retreat." He hissed, holding his arm. She had more raw power than he had troops. He needed to get her on his side somehow. And killing her or losing all of his men was not a very good option right at the moment. Though next time when Spitfire and Echo warned him to not agitate a god he'd heed their warning.

-present day-

Dreadwing had come to Spitfire and Breakdown and told them of their mission.
They were to eliminate Arachnid.
The three of them went and got Arachnid for a scouting trip to check out an energon signal.

"Am I the only one here who considers this to be overkill on Lord Megatron's part? I mean, dispatching three of his most proficient warriors to track down one unconfirmed Energon spike." Arachnid said somewhat annoyed as she stepped over a rather large tree root.

"Megatron knows Me, Spitfire, and Dreadwing here will get the job done." Breakdown smirked

"Actually, I was referring to Dreadwing, Spitfire, and myself."

Breakdown lunged at her but Dreadwing caught him by the arm.

"Breakdown, remain on task. This must be a unified effort." Dreadwing warned him

"Indeed, Breakdown." Arachnid smirked. "I know we've never seen eyes to eye, but that doesn't mean we can't patch things up." She winked her eye at him

"That's it!" Breakdown roared charging at the femme.

"Don't! Aah!" Dreadwing tried to stop Breakdown but was pinned to a tree by the webbing and Breakdown had some shot onto his face and feet.

Before Airachnid could strike against the two mechs Spitfire slammed her hammer into the spider's back and a deafening bang echoed around the area.

Airachnid ragdolled down into a nearby ravine. Spitfire quickly cut Breakdown free.

"Listen to me, my darling. Mech is in the area. Go free Dreadwing and go back to the ship."

"What about you?" Breakdown grabbed her hand

"I have a spider to hunt." She squeezed his hand. "Quickly, love, before the human pests find you both."

"R-right. Be careful."

"I will be fine. I promise."

With that Spitfire disappeared after the spider despite Dreadwing's protests.

"Spitfire! Get back here! Spitfire!" Dreadwing shouted into his comm.

::I killed plenty of spiders during the war. Going radio silent until the mission is complete.::

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