S. 2 EP. 5 Hospital

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(Hello Loves! Sorry for the wait, depression, writers block and a whole slew of life and work issues kept me from writing. So here's this thing I did while trying to get back into the swing of things. Hope you like it. Im kinda Meh over it personally. Now... back to screaming at this one section I'm stuck on in Dead Island 2. Move that ass Carla!)

After another agonizing week, the doctors had determined that they had extracted all of the invasive hardware planted inside Julie's body by MECH. Once the swelling had gone down Julie was taken off the medications that kept her in a comatose state. Wheeljack had volunteered to guard her room and his holoform looked quite... odd. He looked more like his bot self than a human.

"She is a danger to herself and others." A man protested.

"The last time she woke up she was restrained. We don't know what MECH did to her but we can assume it involved heavy restraints and lots of needles." Agent Fowler retorted

"she has trauma. If she's not restrained she may not have such a visceral reaction." A woman agreed with agent Fowler.

The three continued to argue as Jamie and Wheeljack watched the bickering.

"Can you three take this outside?" Jamie asked "seriously. She doesn't need you ripping each other's faces off right as she's waking up."

"The kid is right. And with Jamie and Wheeljack here they'll be able to contain her if something happens." Agent Fowler ushered the others out of the room.

"Finally." Jamie snorted

"Tell me about it. The arguing was gettin on my nerves." Wheeljack agreed.

"So ah... we haven't really met yet. I'm James, Julianna's twin. Thank you, for saving my sister." Jamie held out his hand.

Wheeljack took it and gave a firm but not crushing squeeze. "Wheeljack. She saved me and got injured in the process. I owe her a lot more."

"No offense dude but... your holoform... not exactly a good way to blend in like you're supposed to."

Wheeljack laughed "yeah? How would you design it?"

"If you plan on sticking around Jewels you gotta really blend in. Can't attract too much attention at all. Ditch the wild steel grey hair. Either go platinum blonde or black, different hairstyle. Maybe go with older teens, early twenties less early thirties in appearance that way you look like you fit in with the friend group. Then blue jeans, black tennis shoes or work boots. Black t-shirt and then a nice leather jacket in your colors." Jamie replied

Wheeljack snorted and smiled a bit. "Well if you know so much about human fashion." He pulled out a holographic tablet from within his jacket. "Go for it, just keep the face scars. I feel off if I don't see em."

"Can do." Jamie nodded before taking the device and beginning to work on Wheeljack's new holoform design.

It was a while longer before Julie woke up, the doctors did their fussing check over her and she seemed fairly docile when she noticed she wasn't restrained and she was probably also drugged out of her mind. A little ball of light flitted about her. Eventually the doctors left and Jamie sat on the bed next to her.

Jamie took her hands in his"Hey, Jewels. I got some good news for you. Mother monster is gone. When Liz heard you were missing she went apeshit. She got some of the best lawyers possible and sent them after the harpy. She's doing something like forty to fifty years in prison."

"Oh..." Julie relaxed slightly.

"I know you're probably out of your mind on pain killers right now but I'm here. So is Wheeljack." Jamie showed her Wheeljack's updated holoform.

Julie looked over at him, definitely out of it "You okay? They didn't hurt you?"

"Nah. I'm good. I volunteered to be your new guardian. I'll keep you safe." Wheeljack assured her.

"Okay." Julie nodded before drifting back to sleep.

"Definitely doped up on the good stuff." Jamie sighed.

It was a few more days of drifting in and out of consciousness before Julie was finally aware and alert. Jamie visited every day and her grandparents and Lizzie even stopped by to check in on her. Though once they were gone, Julie had her most important visitor yet.

General Bryce.

The General stood at the foot of her bed and made his introduction.

"I am aware that you have been through much because of MECH, I would appreciate it if you could debrief us on all you know about the organization." The General said with a gentle smile.

"With all due respect, sir. I'd prefer to trade for the information." Julie stated

The man seemed startled "and just what do you want? What could I possibly offer someone like you?"

"I want to finish high school. Help me get back into school. My goal was to go to Harvard or Yale. I want you to write an endorsement letter explaining the classified nature of my gap in education." Julie replied.

The general seemed thoughtful, bringing a hand to his chin before speaking. "There is a high school not far from my military base. I can get you enrolled and all your credits from Jasper applied. But for an endorsement letter I will require you to uphold high quality grades." General Bryce replied

"Sir, I can keep the grades high." Julie's hands twisted in the sheets.

"What field do you want to pursue?" He asked

"Engineering, sir. I want to build things." Julie replied

"I see. Your requests are fairly simple. For the moment I'll get you into the high school. The Autobots have agreed to house you where MECH won't be able to recapture you."

"I want the agreement in writing." Julie stated

"Shrewd! Very well." General Bryce took a blank sheet of paper and wrote out their agreement and signed it before turning the paper around and presenting it to Julie.

She red it over, it was simple and straightforward, General Bryce would get her back into school and would give her an endorsement letter to whichever college she applied to if she kept her grades high. In return Julie would tell them everything she knew of MECH and their activities. She nodded before signing it as well.

"Until the new school year begins, you focus on healing." General Bryce told her. "I'll get a nurse to copy this and you can keep the original."

Julie nodded in agreement and the man left the hospital room.

"Engineering huh?" Wheeljack asked

"It's what I want to do..." Julie looked over at his admittedly attractive holoform.

"I understand that. I like to tinker in my spare time. Maybe when you're able we can tinker together." Wheeljack offered

"I... I think I'd like that." She leaned back against the pillows.

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