S. 2 EP. 3 The Reliquary of Lost Sparks

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Julie sat at the bottom of the dirt slope, wrestling one handed with the small first aid kit she kept on her belt. She pressed a gauze pad to her neck injury and hissed at her idiocy for losing her custom built pistol to the Autobots. Get the mission done and go home. Do good and get rewarded and avoid the pain. Fail and feel pain. She shouldn't have been toying with them.

"God fucking damn it. Coming back into my life  and acting like they fucking care when they ignored me and left me to rot." Julie hissed. "All the pain and agony I went through because of them. How dare they. How dare they say they're my friends."

She finished applying first aid to herself and put the little kit away and stood up noticing an odd energy barrier not far away. Curiosity getting the better of her she walked over to it.

Julianna's eyes had turned silver and she touched the barrier with her fingertips and it visibly rippled. She started to walk forward and she passed through it without a problem.

The whispering in her head got louder. Some otherworldly force was drawing her forward, deeper into the cave.

Her way was lit by the soft glow of thousands of energon crystals. Her eyes flicked from side to side in wonder. She came up on an underground lake and in the middle was an island with a something bright shining on the pedestal and many balls of multi colored light drifted around the room under a massive crystal construct of energon overhead.

"How do I...?" She looked over the lake again and spotted stones that were poking out of the deep energon rich water. "Ah. There." She went over to the stepping stones and started hopping across almost slipping once or twice. She climbed up to the pedestal and the voices in her head were now at a roar. Julianna reached out and touched the light and it flared out blinding her then it condensed and it compacted into a solid form. When she picked it up the voices went silent. The room no longer held any of the swirling lights

She looked at the relic curiously and swirling inside was a rainbow of lights... So that's where they went. Huh.

Julie cradled it in her hands, she could feel the tingle of her flesh turning into metal but she forced herself to remain human. This was meant for her. She knew it. She could feel it.

"I have to hide this from Silas..." she closed her hands around it and the object shrunk down even further as she willed it. "Thank god... finally. Something I can keep all to myself. A possession all my own." She pulled a delicate gold chain from the top and made a loop with it before slipping the loop around her neck and hiding the reliquary under her clothes.

Then began her long trek back to the surface.

When she did reach the surface she squinted as the sunlight hit her eyes. It seemed that she had been gone longer than she had realized because all of the Cobra operatives were gone.

She looked around and a MECH soldier quickly ran over and handed her the helmet that had been knocked off of her earlier.

"Whiplash, Silas has been looking for you." The soldier reported.

"Thank you, Judas. I fell down a steep incline in that hole there and was knocked unconscious while escaping the autobots." She lied, putting the helmet on. "Inform the others to avoid the area to prevent injury."

"Yes, Ma'am. Do you require medical attention?" Judas asked

"Yes." Julie nodded

"Right this way, allow me to escort you." Judas put a supportive hand on her back, the injury on her neck had bled through the bandage Julie had placed on herself and he was concerned about the blood loss. She might be Silas' second in command and his superior officer but she was still just an eighteen year old kid. The things Silas continuously put her through didn't sit well with him.

"Thank you." Julie put a hand on her head, the adrenaline finally wearing thin and her head began to swim.

"Of course, Ma'am."

Later after being treated properly for her injuries she reported to Silas.

"You failed your objective." He said not even turning away from the screens he was looking at.

"I did not. I defended the mine; it's still ours. Cobra didn't take it from us." Julie objected, anxiety rising in her chest. "I know the Autobots got away but Cobra interfered."

He glanced over his shoulder at her, completely unamused.

Anxiety turned to panic and she clasped her hands in front of her chest. "Please, no. Not again. Please. I won't fail again."

"I know you won't." Silas replied before pulling out a remote from his belt.

"No please, Uncle!" Julie pleaded.

Silas ignored her and pressed a button on it.

Electricity crackled across Julie's body and she screamed, falling to her knees clutching at the back of her neck. When it ended she sagged to the floor gagging and wheezing in pain.

"Get her out of my sight." Silas ordered and two MECH soldiers grabbed Julie by the arms and drug her back to the infirmary.

It was a long time before Julie was left alone again, she sobbed into the medical bed pillow when a soft blue glow lit up the side of her face and she looked over to see a ball of light floating next to her. She blinked and the ball took a new shape though she could still see the light within the new form's chest. It was a red Autobot mech with a kind face and silver horns. He was silently sitting next to her bed and he smiled sadly at her.

I'm sorry I don't have a body to get you out of here with. But I'm here for you. I'll keep watch, no one will sneak up on you. You sleep, it'll be okay.

Julie felt a slight sense of relief wash over her. She was absolutely positive that she was hallucinating but still there was a measure of comfort in listening to the ethereal voice's words. She closed her eyes and drifted into a fitful sleep.

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