S. 2 EP. 28 F*ck You Silas

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(Hello loves! Here's a nice long chapter as a reward for putting up with all the shorties lately! Hope you enjoy!)

Julie, Jamie, Erica, Max and Axel snuck out of the base surprisingly with no resistance or notice. Once they were outside the group of five ran to the road. They hopped into Axel's pickup which was being driven by his younger brother.

"Hey guys! What's up? Didn't take you all for reckless hiking out into the desert." The teen grinned at them

Axel began speaking in German to his brother and the boy quickly whipped the truck around and floored it back to town.

"Let's go back over this. We head back to Jasper and load up all of Axel and Max's fireworks stash. Some of which are illegal. Then we track down MECH using my knowledge of their habits of movement and Axel's tracking skills."

"Right." Jamie nodded. "Then we sneak around the surrounding area booby trapping the shit out of the place then we poof to bot form and lure Silas' shiney fucked up toy out into the open and beat the shit out of it and if you happen to be on top of the building he's in when it collapses..." Jamie shrugged.

"So much better than my idea just to set off the fireworks in their faces." Max cackled.

"We sure this will work?" Julie asked anxiously.

"You wanna live in fear of this fucker forever?" Axel asked

"No." Julie clutched at her sleeves. "So... stage names for callsigns?"

"You know it." Erica nodded "We may have to hijack the comm net for the Autobots for the operation though. While you're pulling Agro being the main focus we'll be running support. Jazz and Hotshot will be the two up close and personal supports. Hound is in charge of the explosives. I'll run operation watch and coordinate between you guys and Hound so he knows what to set off and when."

"Okay, Moon."

"We got you Whip. Nothin is gonna get you with us around." Axel patted her shoulder

"Thanks Hound."

"Thick and thin. Hell and high water. We're going to end this. Together."  Axel grinned

"Yeah. Together."

"We might not be blood but we're still twins." Jamie assured his sister.

Julie gave a little laugh. "Siblings forever. I don't think I could do this without you guys."

"What about with Wheeljack?" Erica asked

"I mean yeah. I probably could. And doing this without him is terrifying, but I think I have to do this without him to prove to myself that I can do things by myself. You know?" Julie looked down at her hands "He's always there now. I don't mind it. Being around him is as easy as breathing. I prefer it because he makes me feel safe."

"But you don't want to become so dependent on him that you're paralyzed without him." Erica said sympathetically "I get it."

"Once MECH is done for, we'll all go out to the mall together. Just the five of us. No Autobots. No Decepticons. Just us." Jamie said

"I'd like that a lot." Julie smiled.

Later after getting back to Jasper and loading up everything they needed the Chaos Patrol set back out on their own. Julie sat up in the cab of the truck with Axel and they worked together as they drove around. It only took them two hours to locate MECH. Once they had they did research on the site and learned that it was owned by the Bishop family estate. Which was curated by Julie and Jamie's grandmother.

Jamie smirked, "I made a quick call to Nan on my backup phone. She says the area hasn't been used for years. We have a green light to play with fireworks and she doesn't care if we accidentally bring something down as long as we're at a safe distance... and I have it in text and voice recording."

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