S. 1 EP. 11 Deux Ex Machina

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Julie was sitting on the couch in the main room of the base playing video games during her unjust three day suspension when Bulkhead drove into the base with Miko.

"Ugh. You sound like my parents!" Miko exclaimed as she got out of his alt mode

Bulkhead transformed and looked confused. "Well, aren't they Japanese?"

Miko started walking away from him towards the stairs "They may speak a different language, but you say the same things."

"Because we want the best for you. And that means making sure you go to school, not jail." Bulkhead replied firmly

"Uh-oh. What'd you do?" Jack asked playfully from up in the hang out.

"It's Four now. My guess? She cut detention" Julie stated

Bulkhead knelt in front of Miko seriously. "Look, Miko, before I became a warrior, I was a laborer. Construction. I can build stuff. I can break stuff. And that's it."

"I love breaking stuff!" Miko punches her open palm "I want to be just like you, Bulk."

"Ugh. Why would you want to be like me when you can be a-a medic like Ratchet?" Bulkhead asked

The console Ratchet was working at began to beep. "I'm detecting a fresh energon pulse from the nation called Greece. An ancient city. Quite historic, I believe."

"Ancient Greece, huh? Oh, field trip." Bulkhead smirked.

"I'm coming with! Let me get my camera!" Julie put her game on pause and quickly hopped up and went to get her things.

Not long after Bulkhead drove through the ground bridge with the two girls. When he stopped his doors opened up and they hopped out. Julie had a GoPro and a photography camera with her.

"Here we are." Bulkhead rumbled

"Sweet!" Miko exclaimed, running to the edge of the amphitheater, looking over the excavation site.

Bulkhead transformed while Julie started taking photos with her expensive looking camera.

"So, what are we doing in Greco-ville?" Miko asked.

"I'm scouting energon. Julie is taking photos and you. You're doing research for your history report." Bulkhead replied.

"You punked me, Bulk? Not cool." Miko huffed

Bulkhead his scanner along the edge of the amphitheater. "Hmm. Signal's strong."

Julie was taking a wide shot of the excavation site. Her dad had enjoyed doing photography and this was his camera. It felt good to get it out and use it.

"An excavation site." Bulkhead observed, taking note of all the heavy machinery around.

"Whoa." Miko breathed.

"I know construction." Bulkhead shrugged. "According to my scanner, humans hit energon veins, and they don't even know it."

Julie was looking around more before spotting a fresco of Poseidon holding a golden orb in his outstretched hand.

"Hey guys look at that!" Julie exclaimed before she zoomed in on it for a shot.

"Whoa. That's Cybertronian!" Bulkhead stated. "Why would ancient Greeks paint an energon harvester?"

Miko looked up at him. "You know what that round thing is? You're smarter than you let on." She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture too.

"But even dumber than he looks." An unfamiliar voice said from behind them.

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