S. 3 Ep. 2 Mini Vacation

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On the flight over to Italy they had been taking detours and scouting out multiple Decepticon energon mines and other things of interest. Julie was currently in human form singing songs from anything and everything that struck her fancy. Wheeljack was smiling and watching her dance and generally being quite excited. He was glad she was genuinely starting to feel better.

"Oh oh! I wanna stop in a city! I wanna buy a souvenir from Italy!" Julie bounced excitedly.

Wheeljack laughed "Alright alright. We'll stop somewhere and I'll drive you into the city and we'll spend some time there."

"What about Rome! I wanna go to Rome!" She grinned

Wheeljack smiled "Alright Sunshine. You wanna go to Rome, We'll go to Rome. We'll spend the day there."

"Yes!" Julie cheered, losing her footing and falling back on the seat. "I'm okay!" She exclaimed.

Wheeljack just chuckled as he set in new coordinates for a destination. They've been away from base for over a week already.

"Hey Jackie..." Julie said, facing Wheeljack and rolling over onto her stomach while looking up at the Mech.

"Yeah Julie?"

"There's something I wanna know about your holoform."

"And what would that be?" He asked, becoming very interested.

"Can you eat human food as a holoform? I've never actually seen you eat when you use it."

"We can pretty much do everything except go to the bathroom." He shrugged. "The holoform just converts the food into pure energy."

"Oh. I tried the whole holoform thing.... It's not exactly for me. The senses are a lot duller than when i'm an actual human"

"I mean that's a fair observation, I guess I'm just used to it." Wheeljack said thoughtfully

"Well... what if you spent the day in Rome as a human with me? No holoform just you and me, walking around to see old buildings and getting food and you know... just spending time together without any worries." Julie suggested.

That sounded very much like a date to them both now that it was out of her mouth and she blushed.

"That sounds fun, Sunshine. Human food definitely tastes better than the energon rations I have." He smiled. "We'll be at a good location to lay low for the night. Then we can get some recharge and we can go to Rome tomorrow. Have a little fun, see the sights. Whatever you wanna do."

"Awesome." She grinned. Julie sat up and shifted into her Cybertronian form.

They touched down in a forested area and Wheeljack cloaked the ship for good measure. They went back to the back to get the berths ready.

"Aw 'cmon Sunshine. Why don't you come over here and sleep with me instead of on the spare berth?" Wheeljack teased with a smirk as he stretched out on his berth, not expecting Julie to come over or really do anything except roll her optics.

Julie sat on the edge of the berth she had come to consider as hers and thought for a bit.

Wheeljack closed his optics and settled down to sleep, though they snapped back open when he felt someone crawl onto the berth with him and snuggle up to him. He looked down to find Julie there snuggling up to him and using his chest as a pillow.

'Okay... taunting is effective...' He thought as he wrapped an arm around her. She sighed and snuggled closer before fully falling asleep. Wheeljack smiled a bit, pulling the thermal blanket over them both and fell asleep as well.

The next day the two started out early and made a trip to Rome. They drove around for a bit before Wheeljack found a suitable place to hide in a deserted alleyway and transformed, Julie followed suit and quickly transformed then turned them both human. Julie and Wheeljack left the alley as he stretched and started walking around.

Julie had somehow managed to get some money to use there in Italy and she and Wheeljack got gelato (Italian Ice Cream) as they walked around while holding hands. She made them stop and she took a selfie of the two of them in front of one of the many beautiful fountains in Rome. That would be her new cellphone background. She texted it to Miko.

When she had put her phone back into her pocket Wheeljack put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, she laughed as he leaned his head against hers for a brief moment.

When she had put her phone back into her pocket Wheeljack put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, she laughed as he leaned his head against hers for a brief moment

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"Here. You wanna try some of mine?" Wheeljack offered Julie some of his cold treat as he straightened up.

"Yeah." She nodded, offering some of hers in return.

"That's good." Wheeljack commented.

"Mhm!" Julie nodded as they continued walking around after they finished eating.

"Hey Sunshine." Wheeljack said drawing Julie's attention to a scarf in a shop. "That's kinda cute. What do you think? Good souvenir?" He asked. It was as blue as the night sky and covered with sparkles that resembled the stars.

"Oh it's so pretty!" Julie exclaimed.

She bought it and Wheeljack helped her put it on as they continued walking around.

Several hours and one dinner "date" later, the two walked back to an out of the way area and transformed Wheeljack back into a Cybertronian and they drove back to the Jackhammer. Julie had picked up a couple small trinkets and gotten plenty of pictures. All in all it was a very good day.

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