S. 2 EP. 6 Disaster in the Making

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Another few weeks passed and Julie was let out of the hospital, Jamie was busy containing a situation elsewhere so wasn't able to join them.

The first few days were icy. Julie refused to talk to or even look at the other Autobots, Agent Fowler, June, Jack and Miko. The only two she interacted with at all were Wheeljack and Raf.

Miko and Jack had spent a large amount of time that day harassing Julie despite Wheeljack's repeated warnings to leave her alone and now the young woman was using her crutches to leave the main room of the Autobot base to go to her room where the door had a lock.

"Julie. Talk to us, please! You don't even look at the bots! The only ones you even talk to are Raf and Wheeljack!" Jack exclaimed, trying to stop his best friend.

Julie halted on her crutches as she was moving towards the door. "You have no idea what I went through." She hissed

"We just want to help. Why won't you let us help you?" Miko came to stand by Jack.

Julie turned sharply and hissed as it tweaked her stitches. The rage in her eyes was enough to silence the two "Because no matter how much I screamed. No matter how much I cried. Begged for it to stop. Prayed for someone- anyone. To come save me. NO ONE DID!"

The kids flinched back away from her and the Autobot's optics widened in alarm. Julie had never been like this before.

"They strapped me down! Jabbed me with needles! Cut me open! Filled me full of drugs! So much that I lost myself! The Julie you knew DIED okay?! What don't you understand here?! All that is left is Whiplash. I can't blame Raf, He's a kid. Wheeljack wasn't here so he doesn't have any of the blame either. But ooooh Miss cellphone superstar and Rocketman ignore all my pleas? Fuck you. One way or another Silas is going to die. And the minute I graduate and get my diploma I'm fucking out of here. I'm going to fucking college and I'm not coming back."

"Julie you need to let go of your rage, it will only cause you more pain." Optimus Prime told her.

"Let go?" Julie's voice shifted back into that of her whiplash persona. "I'm stronger now because of the pain." She snarled in response. Julie turned back around and made her way to the hallway with the steady clack clack clack of her crutches filling the room. She reached the wall and she stopped and grabbed her wrist as her hand shook before it turned into cybertronian metal and she punched a small crater into the concrete before retreating further into the base towards her old room.

"Julie!" Bulkhead started to follow but Wheeljack quickly stopped him

"Bulkhead wait! Seeing you is only gonna make her worse. Let me talk to her. I am her guardian now right?" Wheeljack asked

"Yeah... yeah okay. She... she listens to you anyway." Bulkhead agreed.

A dark atmosphere had settled over the room as Wheeljack left to go find his charge. Ratchet clutched the edges of the console he was working at. She endured so much hurt... because he failed her.

Wheeljack was surprised at how fast Julie could move on crutches as it took him a hot second to find her. He heard a bizarre buzzing from one of the bathrooms and he transformed, activating his holoform. He walked up to the door and knocked before opening it because he was incredibly concerned.

"Sunshine? Julie!" Wheeljack exclaimed in alarm.

Julie was shaving off the rest of her hair with clippers to make it all the same length.

Wheeljack rushed over and the human holoform quickly snatched the clippers from her hand.

Julie blinked and then looked at him with vacant tired eyes. "Give me back the clippers please."

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