S. 1 EP. 10 Kicking Aft and Getting In Trouble

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(Julie's fighting style is Northern Shaolin Kung Fu. The exact same style fire benders in Avatar the last Airbender use.)

Several days later... A storm was brewing at Jasper High.

Some of the local bullies had started picking on Julianna ruthlessly. And this morning she opened her locker smashing, Penelope, one of the bullies faces 'on accident' so after school all the bullies were going to head her off before she could hitch a ride with one of her friends and they'd teach her a lesson.

Julianna sat in Science class tapping her pencil on the table waiting for school to end. Her eyes were darting around nervously. When the bell rang she gathered her things up and all but darted for her locker. She dumped her things inside quickly and grabbed her jacket before heading outside. She didn't wait for Jack. She didn't want to endanger any of her friends.

She put her jacket on zipping it up and walked down the steps sensing that people were closing in on her from all sides.

"Where do you think you're going Julianna?" A male voice sneered behind her.

She took a deep breath and exhaled clearing her face of any emotion. She looked bored when she turned around.

"What do you want Vince?"

"You're gonna pay for what you did earlier today bitch."

"You don't intimidate me. You won't be able to do much of anything."

"oh yeah?" He took a swing at her and she dodged it with ease barely having to move.

"yeah." She jammed her hands in her pockets maintaining her bored look.

Vince's accomplices had finally made it over to where she was. She was trapped. Or at least they thought she was.

Vince started throwing punches but no matter how hard he tried she always dodged them. Some kids had come over and were recording it with their phones.

When he finally did manage to land a hit on her it was square in the jaw. Julie spat blood onto the ground and more of it dribbled down her chin from her busted lip.

Vince smirked and took another swing. Julie's hands came up out of her pockets and she grabbed his arm and flipped him with ease. He landed on his back with a thud the air getting knocked out of him.

She brought her arms up to guard herself and she settled into a fighting stance as Vince got to his feet.

The young man growled and swung at her again. She blocked and jabbed him in the ribs a couple times not using too much force but just enough to make it sting.

For a while they exchanged blows until Julie got bored of it. She started her finishing onslaught of blows and finishing by kicking but stopping her foot mere centimeters from his head.

He gasped and fell back. He wasn't exactly bleeding but he'd have some bruises.

"If this were a real fight." Julie looked down at Vince. "You'd be a lot worse for wear."

a teacher broke through the crowd and grabbed the two 'fighters' and dragged them off to the principal's office.

Vince tried to pin the blame on Julie but a video one of the students had taken had proved that Vince was the one who had started it. And Julie was merely acting in self defense.

Regardless they were both suspended, she for three days and Vince for a week. And they were both given detention for two weeks.

When she was finally released she walked over to where Bulkhead and Miko Waited.

"Is there something you wanna tell me Julianna Lee Harth? " Bulk asked pointedly.

"not at the moment. Let's just go to base." She sighed. She had a bruise forming on her face and her lip looked painful.

-later at base-

Julianna was being scolded by several bots at once for getting in a fight at school and her subsequent suspension.

Raf pulled up a video that had made it onto youtube of the fight. Vince was giving it all he had but it was very clear that Julie was on the defensive and not using even a fourth of her real potential in a fight. She didn't abuse the power that she had.

Optimus was proud of her for that when she could have easily overused her strength and skill and hurt the boy badly.

"So... Am I in trouble still?" She asked

"No. You used your skill for defense and you knew how much to use so you would not truly hurt the boy." Optimus looked at her. "Your actions were admirable and you should not have been punished for defending yourself."

"Yeah well. That's just how the school system is. Zero tolerance bullshit. Bullies get off scot free most of the time." She touched her lip again and winced. She hated Vince so much. "They never learn. It'll probably happen again. The school is just too lazy to properly deal with it." Julie shrugged

"That is a true tragedy." Optimus sighed

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