S. 1 EP. 2 Giant Robots

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-Two days later-

Julianna was walking home when she noticed a creepy black car following her. She kept to the more populated streets and stayed away from the deserted ones but the custom Car was persistent. Julie tried to give him the runaround but the driver of the purple car must have really wanted something from her. She reached into her pocket grabbing a hold of the bottle of paint stashed there. She was going to do something for a subscriber mile marker today with it but this was all she had and self defense was more important than the mile marker video. She could always get more paint later. She'd aim to blind them then bolt for it. She turned down a deserted street and continued walking. The car got dangerously close to her and she started to jog then went into a full out sprint. She was fast. For a human. The bot had never seen a human run so fast.

He sped up, getting tired of this game of cat and mouse. When she turned down an alleyway he transformed and snatched her up. Luckily she had kept the bottle of paint in her hand.

"And where do you think you're going fleshie?" The dark colored bot chuckled.

Julianna gaped for a moment then turned serious. "You better let me go or else." She said pointing the bottle of paint at his face.

"Or you'll what?" He said squeezing her.

She gasped feeling pain race like fire through her chest and squeezed the bottle tightly as she tried to breathe. A bright splatter of neon blue exploded all over his faceplate and into his yellow optics. He cried out momentarily blinded dropping her and clutching at his faceplate.

Julie scrambled to her feet and Miko pulled up at the other end of the alley in the green truck. She waved hurriedly hanging out the window and Julie bolted for the car. "No time for door! Move Miko!" Julie shouted.

Miko made it into the empty back seat as Julie jumped, gripping the top of the doorframe and swinging herself through the window into the passenger seat.

"Go go go!" She said looking out the window she heard the black bot's shout of rage and horror about the substance she splattered on his face.

"On it." A low voice rumbled as the truck zoomed away. The black car wasn't far behind as they raced out of town.

"Dude! Are you okay?" Miko leaned between the seats looking concerned.

Julie sat back in the seat shaking and looked at the empty drivers seat and stared a bit. "Okay? A giant transforming robot just tried to squeeze me like I did this paint bottle. Splat. And now I'm assuming I'm sitting in a different one because there is NO HUMAN DRIVER!" She gestured to the crushed paint bottle and the drivers seat in turn. "I'm not okay!" She said her voice was strained and her pupils were blown wide from the adrenaline in her system.

"Ratchet we need a ground bridge 'Cons are on my tail, we ah... May have a situation." The truck said worriedly "Sorry we didn't get to you sooner." The truck rumbled.

"It's fine. I'll be okay when the terror goes away." She laughed nervously, still shaking. "Where are we going...." She said her voice trailed off when she realized she didn't know this bot's name.

"Bulkhead. My name is Bulkhead. And we're going to the Autobot's base"

"Ah. I'm Julianna."

"Miko told me about you. Nice to meet you."

"She hasn't told me of you. But it's nice all the same." She said, still tense. She laughed a bit hysterically as she realized she was talking to a truck.

A green and blue swirling energy vortex opened in front of them Julianna cringed as she looked behind them and saw the creepy purple car gain ground on them. The car was about to ram them when they disappeared into the vortex and a wave of nausea swept over her as the colors swirled around the vehicle then the road, the car behind them, and sands of the desert disappeared. And bulkhead skidded to a stop. He opened his doors and Miko got out followed by Julianna.

The shaken girl took a few breaths and loosened her death grip on the bottle of paint. Bulkhead transformed and knelt down and caught Julie before she could fall as her knees buckled underneath her.

He picked her up and held her in his palm and she didn't feel threatened. Other bots gathered around and a grumpy orange and white bot eyed her and bulkhead disapprovingly

"Bulkhead! You involved another human!?"

"She was being kidnapped by Cons when we got there!" Bulkhead protested before anyone else could speak.

"Yeah! He had her in his hand and he was squeezing her half to death!" Miko jumped in. "Then she went and squirted paint in his face and he dropped her so she ran over to us, jumped in Bulk's alt mode through the window and we sped off!"

An even bigger red and blue mech started to speculate why the Decepticons would want to capture a random human girl.

"If you all don't mind! This is freaking me out here!" She half shouted, getting everyone's attention.

They looked at her surprised before noticing that she was having trouble breathing. she gasped a little more before she fell over in bulkhead's hand, the paint bottle, long forgotten, slipped from her hand and clattered to the floor.

The last thing she could remember was being rushed over to the med bay by the grumpy bot as she lost consciousness.

The Daughter of PrimusOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora