S. 1 EP. 19 Devil's Awakening pt 2

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It didn't take long for June Darby to get to the Autobot base. She had been speeding but that was beside the point. She quickly put her car in park, getting out and she began speed walking over to the medical area.

Jack ran over to his mother, "Mom, thank-"

"Grab my bag!" June rushed past Jack. The teen did as he was told, running over to the car to grab June's kit.

Ratchet was scanning Raf and Julie when June reached them.

The nurse checked over Julie first then Raf, determining that Julie was more stable than the much smaller boy he took priority of her attention.

"Measuring the extent of the absorption should determine the proper course of treatment." Ratchet told her as

"If I don't get these two stable now, they will not leave these tables alive. Do you understand me?" June whirled around and almost shouted at the old medic

"Uh..." ratchet's optics flicked back and forth between Julie and Raf before they settled on the floor as he took a few steps back.

Jack came over with a large black bag and began to help his mother.

Bumblebee shook with rage, grief and desperation before letting himself scream again as he punched a wall cracking and shattering concrete.

June and Jack stopped working and even Miko jumped and looked over in shock.

Arcee quickly pinned the scout to a wall making him look at her. "Bee, listen. You think I don't know how it feels to watch a partner... Harmed? Revenge won't help Raf right now. You need to keep your emotions in check."

Bee buzzed in despair and grabbed his head. This was all his fault.

Ratchet's comm beeped as he watched June from the sidelines.

::Ratchet, how are they?:: Optimus asked

"It is too soon to know." Ratchet replied as he turned away from the sight.

::They are in good hands.:: the Prime reassured him.

"Not mine, Optimus." Ratchet looked at June, Jack and Miko tending to their injured friends. "Curse my cybertronian pride. We've accepted these humans into our lives, yet I bothered to learn so little of their science or medicine. Julie had even attempted to teach me basic first aid yet I sent her away to read youngling stories from Cybertron. I have been such a fool."

::Pull yourself together, old friend. Julianna and Rafael need you.:: Optimus said in comfort.

"And I have grown to need them." Ratchet stated.

Optimus then asked for a ground bridge and sent bulkhead back with the power source while he remained behind to deal with Megatron once and for all.

Meanwhile things with the two downed teens were not going well at all.

"Jack, help me get Julie and Raf to the car. They're going to the emergency room." June looked up from her work. This was getting bad fast.

"Nurse Darby, your doctors won't be able to comprehend what's afflicting them. not without a decade of study." Ratchet intervened.

"I don't have time to argue." June snapped

"The effects of an energon blast on an autobot can be devastating enough, but we are talking about humans." The autobot medic argued

Raf looked so deathly pale, his eyes looking bruised. However Julie was having a more severe reaction that was now becoming known. Thick purple cracks were spreading across her skin, up her neck and down her left arm from underneath her shirt, smoke seemed to seep out of them as her flesh burned.

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