S. 3 Ep. 5 Demon Ship

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"They're alive, but I've never encountered this form of stasis lock." Ratchet examined
the paralyzed autobots

"The 'cons are crossing the Atlantic, making a beeline for North America." Fowler stated.

"Wait. We can track them?" Jack said astonished

"Why aren't they cloaked, like usual?" Raf asked

"None of this makes a lick of sense. They had us in their cross hairs, but the 'Cons just took off." Fowler said

"They even bailed on that Spark extractor thingy." Miko added

"Well, if the ship isn't cloaked, maybe the communications relay's open, and" Raf began.

"Yep, yep. Are you suggesting that we just call Megatron and ask him what's happening up there?!" The old medic demanded.

The kids shrugged. Ratchet looked to agent Fowler and he shrugged as well giving the medic an it's-worth-a-shot look.

Elsewhere in the base,

"Jiminy no... I don't want to..." Julie whined. She and the Chaos Patrol had left her room to get something to eat and Cliffjumper appeared.

Julie I know you're mad at them but their mission went horrendously wrong. You need to come out here. They may need your help. Cliffjumper told her bouncing on his toes anxiously, it was torture to not be able to help out the team when they obviously needed him.

"What do you mean something went horrendously wrong?" She asked, following Cliff at a quicker pace.

The others quickly went on alert as she redirected the group to the main room. The Chaos Patrol froze when they entered and spotted the paralyzed bots. The five young adults assessed the situation before they ran into the room and up onto the platform.

"Scold me later I am taking command of this operation. Status report." Julie looked at Ratchet seriously, her posture had changed completely. She held herself like a Prime.

Ratchet, Fowler and the others looked over at her surprised when she was suddenly standing next to them.

"H-Hey Julie." Jack gave her a wave.

She Ignored him as Ratchet gave her a rundown of what was happening.

"Call the ship." Julie ordered when he'd caught her up to speed.

"Right." Ratchet nodded, relieved that someone was taking charge and that they were not completely defenseless now that Julie and her team had stepped in.

"Autobot outpost Omega One to Decepticon warship. Megatron, please respond... Megatron-"

::Megatron has been relieved of command.:: A deep growling voice responded.

"Who is this?" Ratchet asked

::Who is this?!:: The voice asked them.

"Have you taken control of the Decepticon vessel?" Ratchet questioned glaring at the screen

::I am the vessel. Any Cybertronian who interferes with my mission will be neutralized.:: The ship stated. Images of paralyzed Decepticons and insecticons flashed on the screens as a warning.

"What mission?"

::Priority one: decrypt Iacon database and recover Decepticon technology.:: The ship responded.

"For what purpose?"

The ship was silent then it cut communications.

"It hung up? Rude." Miko huffed.

"Rude?! There's a giant spaceship flying around collecting Decepticon weapons of mass destruction!" Fowler snapped at her.

"Wha- a giant spaceship filled with neutralized Decepticons." Jack pointed out.

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