S. 2 EP. 1 Operation: Starfall

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(Hello my lovelies! Gigantic Retcon coming your way! This story is still mainly on hiatus for the moment because life has imploded in a completely massive way. But I wanted to give you all a taste of what's to come with Season 2! So here's the first chapter! Feel free to comment as it gives me encouragement to continue writing and with everything going on imma need it. Stay safe, make good choices, love you all ♥️)

It had been over a year since Julie was taken by MECH. Despite everyone searching for her as hard as they could, the mad scientist group was always one step ahead. They'd find cleaned out bases but nothing else. At first they'd find pleas for help in Julie's handwriting carved into walls but eventually even those went silent.

"Another empty base?" Arcee looked around. "I thought for sure we'd find them this time."

"Me too." Bulkhead agreed.

Bumblebee whirred sadly. He was kneeling by something chipped into a concrete wall and it seemed to disturb him.

"What have you found, Bumblebee?" Optimus walked over to the scout.

:We may be too late...: Bumblebee beeped as he moved.

The Prime's optics widened to see an Autobot insignia carved into the wall with a jagged slash gouged through it.

::Optimus have you found anything?:: Ratchet asked in concern.

"She was here" Optimus touched the marking.

"Indeed she was!" An unfamiliar female voice called out. "The girl you betrayed and left to suffer."

The autobots quickly regrouped and looked around trying to find the source.

"We did no such thing!" Optimus exclaimed. "Show yourself! Tell us where Julianna is!"

"Oh dear Optimus. Of course you did. Maybe not you personally. But your Autobots did. They abandoned her when she needed them most in favor of saving you. When you would have been fine for a few more hours among the Decepticons. We can all see just how special you are and just how forgettable she was."

"Enough!" Arcee snapped "where is Julie! We're taking her home!"

"I am afraid that you are far too late." A woman in full MECH uniform and a unique helmet walked into view, a strange one handed gun was raised and pointed at them. "Pretty little Julianna is dead. She's been dead for a while now."

"No..." Bulkhead breathed and Bumblebee squealed in alarm.

"Who are you?" Optimus demanded his optics narrowing at her.

"You may call me Whiplash, I am Silas' second in command. I was quite close to your little friend before her death." The woman replied. "And before I forget. Let Ratchet know that Julie hated him the most."

Ratchet was listening to the entire exchange and his tanks churned.

Arcee lunged to attack the human woman in a rage. Bumblebee jumped in after her attempting to stop his friend.

"Arcee no!" Optimus also tried to stop her but failed.

Whiplash fired the gun and hit Arcee dead center in the chest. An EMP field detonated instantly knocking the two unconscious.

"I would think twice before attempting that again." The woman snarled. "She may have hated you all but she cared for you dearly once. So I shall issue you a warning. And this is your only warning. Stop looking for MECH. Or I'll tear you all to pieces."

Optimus had gone over to Arcee and Bumblebee warily, picking her up before looking towards the women not knowing fully what to do; they did not know what she or this new weapon was capable of. They could potentially be surrounded and overwhelmed by MECH at any moment and this might just be a distraction.

"Fall back." He ordered Bulkhead.

Bulkhead quickly grabbed Bumblebee and backed up, his face twisted in rage.

"Yes, run away to your little silo outside of Jasper. It is what you are good at." Whiplash taunted.

As the ground bridge opened up Bulkhead quickly retreated and Prime looked back at her startled that she knew exactly where their base was. He ran through it quickly before she decided to change her mind and fired her weapon again.

As soon as they were in the base Ratchet took Arcee from Optimus, Bumblebee was already in the medical bay.

"How'd she know where our base was!?" Bulkhead exclaimed "does all of MECH know where we are?!"

"That I do not know." Optimus replied in disbelief the information they had learned, was Julie really gone?

"She can't be dead..." Jack shook his head "she can't! That whiplash woman was lying. I won't believe it! How am I gonna tell Jamie?"

"Dudes! Why did you give up?! You were so close!" Miko exclaimed

"Arcee and Bumblebee have been injured. We did not know if Whiplash had reinforcements or what her weapon was capable of. The base had been emptied. If Julianna is still alive and had been there when the base was active, she would have been long gone by the time we found it." Optimus replied

Ratchet finished his medical scans and looked at the others. "Arcee and Bumblebee will be fine. They were only knocked unconscious, there is no damage."

Optimus nodded in response to the diagnosis. "We must have faith that Whiplash's words were only intended to ward us away and that Julianna has not truly perished."

Everyone seemed to have agreed they can't let the words of Julie's supposed death let them stop now, they still had hope and were not going to let that go.

"So what now?" Jack asked. "Jamie still won't reply to my texts or calls even after a year."

"He's still mad." Raf pushed his glasses back up his face

"Can't say I blame him..." Milo's pigtails drooped.

"When Arcee and Bumblebee have recovered we will continue our search for an active MECH base." Optimus reassured them.

Elsewhere Whiplash was returning to the main MECH base.

Silas glanced over his shoulder at her. "There you are, Whiplash. How did it go?"

She took her helmet off and stared straight at the screens, not looking him in the eyes. "I told them she was dead but I doubt they will give up looking for her."

Silas smirked "Of course they won't. They're too stubborn for that. The next time they get in our way. Take care of them, permanently."

"Yes, Sir." Whiplash lowered her head in acknowledgement.

"We have to conduct further research. The Decepticon corpses you've found have been incredibly insightful but an undamaged living specimen would be even better." Silas replied

"I will do what I must." She nodded.

A MECH operative ran over to the two. "Silas, Whiplash. Our agents in the field have ran into some resistance. Cobra has resurfaced and they are attempting to seize our energon mine."

Silas looked over at the young woman.

"It will be taken care of." Whiplash responded automatically, putting her helmet back on before retrieving several fresh power cores for her gun and walking out of the base.

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