S. 1 EP. 8 I'll See You Again

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For a while Wheeljack and Julianna just talked, quickly becoming good friends. They both had an appreciation for swords and things that exploded as well. She even showed him around the base.

She was leaning against the railing and they were about the same height at that moment.

"So. What exactly are your blades made of?" He asked her.

She pulled them out to show him "they're reinforced steel. I keep them really sharp. Sharp enough to cut through quite a bit of metal." She held one up for him to see.

He looked the katana over and smiled. "You take good care of those don't ya?"

She nodded "yeah I do. They aren't for show either." She grinned.

He laughed "I believe you there." He drew out one of his to show her.

"That is a beautiful blade right there." Julianna remarked.

Miko walked behind her. "Hey Julie! How bout you show Wheeljack your fighting style." The girl grinned

"You don't have to Julie." Wheeljack shrugged.

Julie thought for a moment. "I did skip my practice today. So I could show off a little... Just this once I guess." Julie said thinking.

"Whatever floats your boat." Wheeljack smirked. In all honesty he was mildly interested in seeing her fighting style for himself.

Julie sighed and walked down the stairs with her twin katana in hand. She went to the middle of the room where it was clear. Her heart was racing but she took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She got in her stance before starting.

Everyone in the room stared as she practiced. The blades flashed in the light. She looked like a deadly lotus flower or like she was dancing with how smoothly she moved. Wheeljack was transfixed and he couldn't look away from her.

Miko threw an empty paper cup at her and it never even hit her. It was sliced cleanly into many small shreds of confetti before it hit the floor.

When she stopped she flicked the blades and sheathed them on her back once more. She let out a long slow breath and smiled.

Raf, Miko and Jack clapped startling Wheeljack out of his stupor.

"So. What do you think?" She walked back over to Jackie.

"That was impressive." He smiled back at her. "If you were a bot instead of a human the 'cons would be in big trouble."

She grinned up at him. "Thanks!"

-the next day-

After bonding a little more Wheeljack had to go fix his ship the Jackhammer. It took him a few hours but it got done.

Julie was sitting on Wheeljack's shoulder as he went to talk to Optimus and Bulkhead.

"Now that you're part of team prime, we need to pick out a vehicle mode for you." Bulkhead grinned. "I have some ideas."

"Uh, about that, Bulk- Now that my ship's repaired, I'm itching to know what else I might find out there."

Miko walked over and looked up at him "Wait. You're leaving? Why?"

"Because some bots never change." Bulkhead pulled Wheeljack into a side hug.

"Wheeljack, know that you'll always have a haven here." Optimus stated.

"Jackie never stays, but he always comes back." Bulkhead smiled

Wheeljack went to put Julie down.

"Wait!" Miko shouted as she climbed a nearby ladder. She pulled out her phone and Wheeljack turned toward the Japanese girl.

"What are you up to kid?" He asked

"Smile!" Julie gave a smile and there was a click as she snapped a picture of Julianna on Wheeljack's shoulder. As soon as that was done he offered Julie his hand and she hopped onto it, he lowered her to the ground and she smiled up at him as she stepped off.

Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee along with the kids accompanied Wheeljack back to his ship.

Wheeljack looked at his ship for a while then he gave bulkhead a glance "There's room for two, Bulk, even with a backside like yours. Who knows who we might find out there- Some of the old crew?"

"Heh. It sounds like fun, Jackie." Bulkhead smiled. Miko looked down at the ground. "But my ties are here now with them. With her." He said, looking at Miko.

"If anything happens to my favorite wrecker, I'm coming after you." Wheeljack smirked at Miko.

"I'll take good care of him." Miko nodded. She pulled out her phone "Now, say 'cheese'." She snapped a picture of Bulkhead and Wheeljack side by side.

Wheeljack went to go get in his ship but Julianna ran over to him.

"Hey Wheeljack."

"Yeah Julianna?"

"Good luck. And stay safe." She gave him a warm smile.

He smiled back at her a little. "you stay safe too. I'll see you again."

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