Chapter 11

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(Y/n) and Kirishima rushed down stairs to the mailroom. They ran down the steps to spot the medium sized containers taking up a good chunk of space.

"Let's Go!" She said starting to push the boxes to the elevator while Kirishima got both rooms mail.

"I'm coming," he rushed up to her and sat the mail on one box and started to push a box without any issue. (Y/n) got her box in front of the button and reached up to push it. The doors quickly opened and they rushed in with their mini fridges. They rode up and quickly pushed them down the hall. (Y/n) shoved hers into her room and then followed Kirishima in with his. She tossed her mail to the side and walked into his bedroom. She sat on the floor and waited for Kirishima to be ready to crack open the box.

"Good Morning," Denki said as he walked past the door into the kitchen.

"Morning Denki!" She said with a little wave.

"You're already up (y/n)?" Shinso said as he stood in the hallway.

"I am! What about you?" She smirked and watched as Kirishima brought in a paper of scissors.

"Good Point," he said laughing and grabbing his mug from the table. "Got the fridges already?"

"Yes!" Kirishima said as he ripped the box open. "Wanna help?"

"Maybe later, I have to edit that video before, kitten has rumors going about who she is." Shinso said, taking his mug back to his room.

"Too late for that," Denki said as he scrolled through his photos. "They have a photo of you two walking through the city."

"What!" Kirishima said, jumping up from his spot. (Y/n) stood up and followed close.

"I mean headlines everywhere about Shinso and who this mystery girl is." Denki said, quoting the word "mystery". Shinso grabbed Denki's phone and looked at it with a frown in his face.

"You walk outside with Bakugou and Kirishima all the time, but when you walk with me they decide to snap a picture of it." Shinso said clutching his forehead as a stress headache came along. "I'm gonna get my ass handed to me from your brothers."

"I mean it can't be that bad," she said trying to make it seem better. "The world was going to find me one way or another."

"You don't see the picture, you never see the picture. Your to worried about stupid things, like winning mini fridges and bringing chaos in our lives." Shinso said, grumbling. She knew he didn't mean it but her heart was cracking as he grumbled at her. "This puts you in danger of many things."

"No I see it, I hide from it because that's what I'm told." She spat out making the men jump back in surprise. "I'm tired of being treated like a child. So forget it. Look, I'll just go back to my tower and lock myself up and wait for a prince to tell me to let my hair down so I can finally view the world. Like that'll ever happen, why? I'm not allowed too, sucks to be me! Whoops!" She grabbed her mail and rushed out of the apartment.

Shinso sighed and leaned on the counter clutching his forehead.

"Well that's not how it was supposed to go," Kirishima said as he sat the tools in the box and walked across the hall trying to get her to open up.

"This has everything to do with Jiro!" Denki kicked a chair making it fall down. "She is Just trying so hard to ruin your life!"

"You don't think I know that," Shinso said, grabbing some ibuprofen. "She's obviously succeeding."

"She shouldn't be here for much longer," Denki said as he walked to the TVs and turned it on. He stared blankly at it, Shinso shook his head. He knew how much his friend worried about him, but it was what it was.

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