Chapter 4

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Marco's POV:

"Marco Bodt, at your service sir! From Jinae, south side of Wall Rose! I want to join the military police and give life and limb in service to the king!", I said quickly but confidently. I wanted him to understand how passionate I was of this matter.

"Well then, that makes you an idealistic fool and a rube", Sadies replied, his voice flat but strong. I felt my straight posture sink and my smile faltered.

'That makes me a what now?'

"You want the truth?", Sadies asked me, inching his face closer to mine.

'Did I really say something that wrong?'

"The only use the king has for your life and limbs are as titan fodder". He backed away from me. "Sixth row! About face!". I turned around along with the rest of my row.

'God, who would think wanting to serve the king would trigger that kind of response, I always thought it was a noble and selfless choice'

I felt a pair of eyes looking at me, and I lifted my gaze to meet them. It was a girl standing a couple of rows down from mine. Her face showed a mixture of sympathy and... admiration? I gave her a quick smile, not wanting her to worry about me.

'I guess I might have looked sad or hurt'

As soon as I smiled at her she averted her gaze, looking straight forward again. She looked flustered and I noticed her straightening up her stance.

Sadies dropped Connie and made his way over to her.

"Who are you cadet!", he yelled.

"Y/N L/N, sir! From Shiganshina district, sir!", she replied with a steady and stern voice.

'Shiganshina, huh...'

I would never had come to that conclusion myself as the other cadets from that area have shown no emotion whatsoever during this whole ordeal. Don't get me wrong, she looks tough, and she probably is, but the way she looked at me earlier showed something else.

"Why are you here L/N!", he asked intensely.

"To avenge my parent's deaths and take down the armoured titan, sir!", she replied with the same stern tone, however her previously steady voice faltered just the tiniest bit as she addressed the commandant.

No one said anything, not even Sadies. Some looked shocked, others confused. I even felt myself making a shocked grimace.

'She must have been through hell...'

~Timeskip to the next morning~

Back to normal POV:

You were fast asleep, exhausted from the previous day's events. At least you thought you were fast asleep, however, that's when you felt someone staring at your face like they were trying to uncover your very soul. You opened your eyes tiredly and the sight that met you sent chills down your spine.

You jumped up to a sitting position, hitting your head hard on the top-bunk of the bed.

"What the hell Sasha!", you groaned and rubbed the sore spot on your head.

Sasha had placed her face inches from yours, staring at you with the most intense face you have ever seen. Her face contorted into a weird, wide smile, her eyes staring you down ten times more intently than titan-face Sadies himself.

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