Chapter 63

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Fun fact: I actually drew the cover art for this chapter (above). It is a scene that comes later in this chapter!:)
‼️I just want to stress the fact that this is in no way any type of indication of what Y/N is supposed to look like. I just wanted to capture the feel of that scene in a picture and if I left Y/N blank I feel like it wouldn't convey what I was trying to do😅. So I just based her on me for that picture lol; Surprise! Slight author reveal kinda? Hahahah
But on a serious note, whatever size, ethnicity, looks or whatever you feel like picturing for her: that goes!:)

Enjoy the chapter!

Half a month had gone by, the days sorrow filled as a result of Sasha's absence, however the empty feeling got easier to handle and suppress for each day that passed. Now the focus was mainly aimed towards Eren, who've been imprisoned for insubordination ever since you got back from Marley.

"To think Commander Pyxis would go so far as to detain the volunteers", Jean muttered deep in thought. You were all seated inside one of the smaller common rooms, the atmosphere in the room as joyful as a funeral.

"Since they and the Scouts are so close, we weren't told in advance", Armin replied tired.

"Yeah. I'm sure he didn't have much choice"

"Still... They only did as told, just like us...", you heard yourself say, but no one really responded to that. Sure you should always be careful around outsiders in a world where everyone hates your guts, but surely you've both earned each other's trust by now... right?

"Until Zeke's intentions are made clear, it puts us in a real pickle", Jean continued, and this you whole-heartedly agreed on. You didn't trust Zeke's role in this for even a second. After all that damage he's done to you and your comrades, how can he switch up on Marley so easily in favour for you? It didn't make sense to you.

"Not to mention Eren suddenly being aboard Zeke's plan... Whatever the two of them talked about is something only they know", Marco chimed in, his serious voice laced with wonder.

"Hey", Connie, who've been stood looking at the night sky through the window in the corner of the room suddenly spoke. "Did that look like Eren to you guys?". You all turned to look at him, before bowing your heads down again. "Not to me. That wasn't Eren". You lifted your legs up to press your knees against your chest, seeking out your comfort position to help cope with the sudden creeping pain lurking about your heart. Whenever you thought about Eren, the image of his face in the airship popped up, and you were reminded of his dull eyes. That wasn't Eren. That was not your Eren.

"If he's made up his mind to side with his half-brother over us..."

"If he has, then what?", Mikasa interrupted him calmly, but the underlying warning in her tone was not to be mistaken.

"We've gotta be prepared to cut him down if necessary—". Your head whipped around to face him as Mikasa yet again interrupted him.

"I won't let you!", she hissed sharply, scowling at him from the corner of her eyes. Connie turned to face her with a surprised expression.

"Are you siding with them too, Mikasa?". His expression turned disturbed. She turned her head to face the ground again.

"I don't think it'll come to that. Eren cares about us more than anyone. You guys should know that", Mikasa argued quietly. You all looked away from her for a second. Of course you don't believe your years of friendship with him had been a lie or not meant anything to him, however something was... off. "Maybe that's why he's so hostile to anyone who isn't one of us... He cares too much".

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