Chapter 2: Meet the Guys

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I had been in the bathroom for around half an hour, sobbing and bashing my head against my knees causing me to feel slightly nauseous. I decided I was done with feeling sorry for myself and stood up seeing my reflection once more in the mirror. I studied my face, my long ice blonde hair that had been freshly straightened last night to try and impress any kids my age. I push my hair behind my ear and go back to look at the scar that ran across my face. I run my fingers across it, each bump feeling different from the last. It was fairly thick and started through my left eyebrow, across my left eyelid, across my nose and finishing across my right cheek. I remember the details as to how I received such a eyesore of a mark. I tried my best not to focus on it too much as the memories that come along with it is heartbreaking. I had had the scar for about two years, receiving it back at school in Michigan. When you're considered a freak, the bullies come and demoralise you for years. It's not until you decide to stick up for yourself they resort to violence in an attempt to make themselves look bigger. That way they can never lose if they have marked you. It's like an awful attempt at branding someone, much like farmer do with cattle. 

I wiped my eyes of the stray tears. The dull light in the bathroom flickering and causing my purple iris to explode in colour. I had never met another person with purple eyes. My Dad always said it was a sign of true beauty as it was incredibly rare, but as of right now, I wish I was just a normal girl with a normal eye colour. I was constantly teased at school due to having such a rare feature. You would think, someone with violet eyes would have people thinking they were cool, but no it was the exact opposite. As my small town in Michigan were really religious, many people thought it was the sign of evil as opposed to having red demonic eyes. I never believed them and simply thought it was a mutation in my genes. I tried for years to explain it to people, but I was always met with the same response and hate. When I was a young teenager, I would spend hours researching to see if there were any possibilities of it changing but it was never proven. It simply meant that I had a lack of pigment in my eyes which allowed the light to reflect from the red blood vessels causing that violet glow. It also said you cannot usually have this eye colour unless you have albinism which only proves me point of me being one of a kind. 

I was finished looking at myself and walked back into the living room where Dad was beginning to set up our television in the living room. 

"Everything alright Riv?" he questioned from behind the TV.

"Yeah, just having a moment. I'll be alright. Need any help?" 

"No, nearly finished darling. Why don't you go and meet some of the neighbours?" his head popping from behind the screen. 

"I have already met two of them. Larry and Sal..." I looked down at the floor twiddling my thumbs.

"Well that's great! Why don't you go and spend some time with them?" 

"Larry did say about meeting them down in the basement to listen to some Sainty Falls.. but I don't want to impose..." 

"Riv, they invited you! That's great! Honestly go on, I don't mind. We can spend dinner together tomorrow or whatever, I think this is a great opportunity for you to go and see people your own age!" his smile growing. 

"You sure?" kind of hoping he would say no. 

"Of course! Go on kiddo, just make sure you're back at a decent time as you have school tomorrow!" 

"Yeah.. sure. See you later then..." I groaned. 

I left the apartment and stood just outside the door. I got out my phone and decided to text Larry. 

Me: Hey Larry... It's River. So you said something about a Sainty Falls session? 

Larry: Hey dude! Yeah course! Sally Face and I are downstairs in the basement just chilling. Come down. 

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