Chapter 86: The Tragic Story of Sal Fisher

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A/N: this chapter contains descriptions of upsetting themes (depression, murder, blood).

Sal's POV:-

"Sal you really don't have to tell me now, you haven't felt ready and well I don't wanna..." she tried to speak.

"No Riv, this has been going on for far too long. I should've bucked up the courage and told you the truth months ago. With what's happening now and knowing that the cult are after us, it's time I tell you the truth before it's too late..."

"Too late? You're scaring me Sal..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you... it's just..." I pause and take in a deep breath. "You remember when I came back and I told you that Larry's dad Jim helped me through to the other side?"

"Well sure but what does that have to do with anything?" she raised her left brow.

"Erm well, Jim told me all about the origins of the cult. What their plans were and how I ended up being part of that plan..."

"Wait what?!" her eyes opened wide. "How on earth could you think you could be part of their plan? You didn't grow up in Nockfell?!"

"Their plans were bigger than Nockfell Riv, much bigger than you could even anticipate...."

"Right you're going to have to explain this to me really, really slowly. It's been a long night..." she rubbed her red eyes and leaned herself towards me.

I cleared my throat, about to lay everything on the line to her. What happened to me, to my mom, how she risked her life to save me and how those monsters were the true reason for everything that had gone wrong in my life. Would she look at me differently? Would she change the way she felt about me? I had to tell her the whole truth, if we were going to stop these madmen then I had to have her on my side. Hell, Jim told me that she could be the other half to stop all this... so now was the time to tell her.


It was a day like no other. A sunny, peaceful day in New Jersey. It was beautiful, I always loved the summertime in our state because of how orange the sun would get, the birds singing their gentle songs and the wind just blissfully cooling you down. I was a very adventurous boy, my mother often telling me to calm down and wait before exploring anything so I wouldn't get hurt. Boy, if she saw the things, I was doing nowadays she'd have a fit...

Anyway, mom and dad had arranged for us to go for a picnic one afternoon. It was a picturesque day and dad had been so busy with work that he wanted us to spend some family time together. Of course, the morning of our trip, Dad was called into the office for a couple of hours and then would meet us at the park where we planned our picnic. Mom and I made our way there and I spent a majority of the time running around and just enjoying myself. We played catch, a few rounds of cards and just enjoyed our time together. My mom was the sweetest woman you would ever meet, so much love would radiate out of her body and just engulf you in its wonders. I was always a major momma's boy and that was just the way I was meant to be.

Well, a couple of hours had gone by and there was still no sign of my dad. My mom noticed I was getting hungry and made me a small paper plate's worth of lunch that I could snack on whilst we waited for him. As I was eating, I could remember hearing a dog barking off in the distance to where we were sitting. I always loved dogs, how happy they would be to see you and get some attention from you. I was always trying to convince my mom and dad to get me a dog but with dad working all the time and my mom trying to get a job of her own, it wouldn't work out for us. I remember being so fixated on the dog's bark that I desperately wanted to go and pet it. So I asked my mom if I could. I remember her looking around us, not seeing the dog and becoming more confused the more I pestered her. I can still her gentle asks that we wait for my dad, that way we could all go together, but I wasn't prepared to wait any longer. I remember begging her, literally begging her to go and see it and eventually she gave into my pleas. Being so young, I immediately ditched the food and started running off to where the dog's barks were coming from. I still hear her calling for me in my sleep, telling me to slow down and to wait for her but the excitement of seeing the dog was all that kept me going. I must have been running for a couple of minutes until I finally saw the shape of a dog's head hidden in the bushes. I called out for my mom, thinking the dog had been hurt or was lost but that's before I realised it wasn't a dog... it was a man.

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