Chapter 80: New Dawns

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River's POV:-

Sal and I went back to my apartment for a while after the whole 'incident' upstairs. I decided to keep the whole out of body experience to myself for now as I didn't want him to worry or avoid the subject of this new found power he has acquired. I know I bang on at him for opening up to me and not keeping secrets, so I suppose I'm being a little bit hypocritical, however there was no way I was going to avoid this subject anymore. If Sal was going to open up to me, I'll be damned if I'm going to make the situation about me or my ongoing conflicting 'souls'.

"Riv, you with me?" Sal touched my knee lightly and brought me back into my bedroom, rather than my drifting mind.

"Yeah, sorry I've been zoning out a bit lately. Probably the lack of sleep and the million assignments I've got due. Don't worry about it though, what were you saying?" I smile and place my hand on top of his.

I could see his want to ask me what was going on, I could see the cogs turning and whirling inside his beautiful cranium but I could also sense he didn't want to pry in case I wasn't ready to talk about it. After a couple of minutes of umming and arring, Sal began telling me what happened on the other side. It was fascinating that not only did Sal seemingly feel and sense the people around him, but it was almost like he felt non human. He told me all about the souls lurking in the shadows, desperately waiting for a new sacrifice or perhaps a new host to devour. I was incredibly anxious as he spoke about the battle he had and how if it wasn't for our connection, who knows what would have happened.

"Riv, there is something else I need to tell you but you have to promise me something first..." Sal's expression went sad but serious.

"What is it?" I lifted my brow and felt a knot in the pit of my stomach.

"You have to promise you won't tell Larry, he needs to hear this from me when the time is right ok?"

"What do you mean? I mean I won't say anything but what has this got to do with Larry?"

"I wasn't the only person on the other side Riv. Larry's dad Jim was there, he had been for quite some time and if it wasn't for him then... I wouldn't be alive.."

"What do you..."

"He helped me get back to you both, to my family.. he gave up everything to make sure I returned to this realm and live..." Sal's eyes went glassy and his body language displayed a huge amount of guilt. "He sacrificed what little he had in order to make sure I live..."

"Oh Sal.. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for you..."

"I watched as they attacked him and at first... I did nothing. I didn't know what to do and how to help him. He was so amazing and knew exactly how to fight them off, hurt them and be rid of them for good... and I just stood there. I did my best to warn him about the others but it was too late at that point. He was too injured to fight for the remaining part of his existence.."

"I'm sure Larry's dad knew exactly what he was doing Sal, you cannot blame yourself for this. I know deep down he would've wanted this for you and for Larry too. He gave up his last part of life to let you live. Live for him and prove to him that you are going to fight.." I smiled softly and pulled him in for a hug. "I know how guilty you feel, it's radiating off of you. Just know that we're all so grateful to him for giving you a second chance at life."

"I just wish I could've done more, this gift I apparently have it could've maybe saved him..." I hear Sal sniffle over my shoulder.

"Do you remember how the gift came around? How you managed to feel something in the first place?"

Sal gently released me and wiped a stray tear from his eye. "It was from you... I don't know what happened but I felt this overwhelming heat and then beams of light started to draw out of me. When I saw Jim take that final blow, I went full on protective and wanted to do everything I could to help him... to save him. I killed the remaining few that were around with this sword thing that Jim had but it vanished along with him..."

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