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Some people have a bad day, I've had a bad life. If I want something, it's taken from me. If I win the fight, I lose the war. Threats can only work on someone who has something to lose. But me, I've already lost it all. Sorry to disappoint, but my life is far from unicorns and pixies. It's full of dark magic, murderous curses and, spoiler, everyone dies. My name is Fallon Riddle, yes Riddle. My father is the murderous, evil, and dark wizard. Let me just let you in on a secret, he's pathetic.

When I was seven, my father killed my mother's parents and my little brother in front of my mother and I. He tortured my grandparents, endlessly, into insanity. My grandparents were abusive and awful people, but that doesn't mean they deserved that death. Or at least that's what my mom preaches. For my brother, father had some heart. He did it in his sleep, quick and painless. That day was the day I realized three things. One, my father is the most despicable person. Two, my mom is pathetic, allowing him to do that. Three, the only person I can rely on is myself.

Fast forward a few years, it's my fourteenth birthday. I am supposed to head to Beauxbatons to start my fourth year. Well that was until my pathetic excuse of a father showed his face at my birthday. He and mother fought on me continuing to go to Beauxbatons or transfer to Hogwarts. Let me sum up the argument for you. Mother called father a selfish and useless wizard, wishing she died with my brother and her parents.

Father being generous and always thinking of others, fulfilled that wish for her. He murdered her, again in front of me, on my birthday. I think that is where my hatred for my birthday started. I took off with my school supplies and clothes as he stood over her lifeless body. I used the emergency floo to the Tonks house.

Andromeda installed an emergency floo for me to use in case my father went on a temper tantrum. I was the only person besides her that knew about it. Once I arrived she and her husband Ted Tonks greeted me with food. Of course, me living with her would get all three of us killed, so she wrote to her Aunt. Mrs. Black arrived with her two boys at her house the next morning. "Miss Riddle," She smiled.

"Not Miss Riddle. Just Fallon." I corrected, she nodded and made her boys take my luggage. "Your father," She started again, I held my hand up. "My sperm donor." I corrected it again. "Right well, he wants to give you time to process the um, recent events. So he will await your arrival during Christmas." Mrs. Black explained. "Recent events? You can say he killed my mother in front of me. I'm used to it." I spoke harshly before using the floo to her house.

Arriving at the 'Nobel House of Black' I was greeted with Mr. Black. "Fallon! These are my boys. Sirius is the oldest and Regulus is the youngest." He greeted me and introduced his sons. I nodded to them and walked into my spare room to freshen up. After ten minutes Regulus knocked on my door and informed me dinner would be served in five minutes. I thanked him before sliding shoes on before making my way to the dining room.

I sat next to Sirius with Regulus across from us. Their parents sat at the head of the table. Dinner was quiet, the boys hardly ever talked, Mr. Black asked several questions but Mrs. Black shut him down. An owl flew in, and judging by the way Mr. Black reacted, it was not an owl they took a liking to. "Sirius, that better not be the Potter's owl." Mr. Black hissed. Sirius stiffened, I noticed his hands shaking under the table.

"Sir, that is my owl, it must have followed me here." I spoke up, Regulus and Sirius looked at me with admiration and surprise. I stood up and took the letter from the owl before Mr. Black could. I took the owl on my finger and whispered to it before allowing it to fly away. "I hope you don't mind, she likes to fly freely." I smiled at the adults. "Of course not dear." Mrs. Black smiled before calling their house elf to clear the plates.

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