F O R T Y - T W O

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A/N: My prom pics are up top!

Mattheo POV

"Renee!" Fred shouted as we followed Draco to the tent. Renee turned and looked at him, she huffed before turning back around. "Renee, please let me talk." Fred stood in front of us. "Not now Fred." Renee mumbled, casting a look at me. He reached for her hand, she pulled away. I shoved him back, "She said not now, Weasley." I snapped. Renee pulled me back into her. "Fred, please not now." Renee spoke, he walked away. "Has he ever hurt you, Renee?" I asked , she shook her head.

"No, just. He sent me a letter that was meant for Angelina. He was flirting with her and I just, we aren't dating so I shouldn't be mad." She shrugged. I took her hand and kissed her cheek. "You have every right to be mad, Re." I reminded her, she nodded and squeezed my hand. Draco showed us to our rooms before we walked around.

We walked around the stands with merchandise, as we walked around we noticed the group of redheads. "Elara, quit it!" Hermione huffed. "Elara! Would you stop!" Fred shouted as she swung at his stomach. Angelina was standing off to the side with George, while George was laughing Angelina was concerned.

"Mattheo, control her!" Ron hissed, I turned to Renee and Draco. "Should I stop her?" I asked, Draco shook his head, Renee laughed and shook her head. "Piece of shit Fred Weasley!" Elara smacked his face hard. "Ok!" I grabbed her and tossed her on my shoulder, she huffed.

"Why'd it take you so long, Riddle." Fred hissed rubbing where Elara smacked him. I turned to Harry and tossed Elara to him. "Have fun with that." I smirked, Elara flipped me off. Harry went red as Elara leaned into his chest. "You are so mean." Renee laughed as we walked away. "He needs to man up." I laughed, Draco's dad walked over and led us to the seats.

"Renee, please." Fred begged from the railing above us. Renee walked towards him, Narcissa stopped her. "Where are you going?" She asked, rubbing her hand. "Is it okay if I go with Fred, me and Elara can switch." Renee smiled. I scoffed as did Elara, Renee rolled her eyes. "Freddie, we have seats next to you." Angelina smiled and grabbed his hand. "Never mind, Auntie." Renee smiled and walked towards Draco.

Once we got to the seats the match started. Draco and I cheered the entire game, yelling at the players and the calls by the refs. Narcissa and Renee laughed at us most of the time, rather than focusing on the game. And Lucius was speaking with other Ministry members and other higher power people. Once the game ended we walked back to the tent.

"Narcissa, go home please." Lucius whispered as I walked past to my room. There was a loud pop and Lucius walked out by himself. "I'll be back, you kids don't go anywhere." He smiled wickedly and left. Renee plopped on the couch and Draco across from her. I sat next to Renee and she laid her head on my lap. I played with her hair until there were crashes and screams.

Renee sat up and held my hand, Draco looked out of the tent and pulled his head back in. "Death eaters." He whispered, I pulled Renee up. "We need to get Elara." I muttered, Draco nodded and grabbed our wands. We ran out of the tent and saw the mass of people running and screaming.

Harry POV

"Elara!" I shouted and pulled her into me. She held my waist tight, "Harry, it's Death Eaters." She mumbled into my chest. Ron and Hermione joined us as we ran out of the tent, George held Ginny close. "Where's Renee?" Fred asked Elara. "Mattheo has her, he won't let anything happen." Elara breathed.

Fred, George, and Ginny took off, Hermione, Ron, Elara and I followed behind. I grabbed her hand and made sure she was close to me. A death eater walked to the side of us, Elara gripped my middle. "I'm sorry for calling you Scarhead." She cried, I had to suppress a laugh. "Even with Death Eaters around us, you still make jokes?" I teased. "I meant it, Scarhead." She shoved me lightly.

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