T W E N T Y - O N E

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A/N: This year is going to speed by as well. I want to get to the years 1979-1981. Currently it is 1977-1978 school year. Fallon and the Marauders are in their seventh year, Regulus and Viv are in their sixth year. 


As we made it into the Great Hall I sat at the Slytherin table with Greengrass and his girlfriend. "Welcome students! I have a bit of announcements so bare with me." Dumbledore began. I glanced at Regulus who walked in late with Severus, I shot him a look and he sat next to me. "Are-" He cut me off. "Relax, he wanted to see how I was doing." He whispered. I nodded and turned back to Dumbledore.

"First thing, there will be no quidditch this year, due to certain circumstances. Number two, it is a little somber." He silenced everyone. I held Regulus' hand. "My father is gaining more power." I whispered. Regulus turned to me. "He wrote to me last night. That's why I was on edge and snapping at everyone." I explained, he nodded and held my hand.

"A man by the name of Tom Riddle, he goes by Lord Voldemort. He has gained more followers and more power than I care to imagine. It is my duty to you and to this school to tell you all, he has followers willing to kill and torture. All examinations this year are canceled, I will expect every seventh, sixth, and fifth year to meet her for dueling lessons everyday at 4 pm sharp." Dumbledore paused.

"However, everyone in each year has the chance to leave here and go home if you need. If you feel unsafe or that you need to be home, by all means, we will have the train take you home in the morning. You will sign with your head of house and then you may leave. That being said there will be no trips to Hogsmeade." He looked around the room.

"I encourage all of you to stay and help fight, this is war but it is a war he started with your families and friends. The choice is still yours." Dumbledore spoke and dismissed us with food. I stood up and walked out of the hall. Viv, Reg and Sirius chased me down. Sirius grabbed my arm, "He'll kill everyone." I choked, Sirius pulled me into a hug. "You have us, fight with us, Fal." He whispered, I nodded and hugged him tighter.

"Fallon, we need to talk." Severus announced, Sirius snapped his head in his direction and glared. "Talk then." I shrugged, James, Remus, Peter and Lily joined us. "Alone, Fallon." He hissed, "Not going to happen." I smirked and pulled away from Sirius. Some other Death Eaters walked up to Severus and whispered into his ear. "Don't be a mudblood lover, Snape." I heard one whisper.

I stepped in front of Lily and Viv. "Leave." I hissed, they laughed. Severus walked closer to me, Lily pulled me back. "Sev, don't." Lily whispered, reaching for his hand. "Don't touch me, mudblood!" Severus snapped. I smirked and threw my fist into his face. He toppled to the ground, holding his nose. I turned and pushed Lily and Viv to the Gryffindor room. "Fuck you!" Severus shouted from the floor. "Pay me." I bit and walked with the girls.

"Fal," Sirius fell onto the couch in tears. "Pay me?" James laughed, joining Sirius on the couch. "Merlin Fal." Viv laughed and hugged Lily. "Are you okay, Lily?" I asked quietly. She nodded and joined James on the couch. "You're a badass Riddle." Marlene snickered and ruffled Peter's hair.

"Can we just take a minute? Dumbledore just told people to leave the school if they didn't want to fight." Marlene pointed out. We all went silent. Viv took my hand in her's, she squeezed it gently. "You're with us. Not against us. That's all we ever wanted." She assures me. I nod and lean into her. I look over at Reg and notice him smiling at Viv, I nudge her and she scoffs before walking over to him.

"Good night!" Viv shouts as they run up the stairs together. I shake my head while Marlene and the Marauders whistle at them. "Wait, ew. That's my brother." Sirius shivers, I roll my eyes before standing up. "Where are you going?" Remus' asks, as I walk to the door. "To my room." I shrug. "After Snevillus and the other Slytherins pulled that shit?" Sirius snaps.

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