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A/N: Super short chapter but the next one will be really long because we have a major plot point coming up!

Ravenclaw v Slytherin

"Morning, beautiful!" Aries cheered, kissing my lips. "Mhm! Aries! I have syrup on my lips." I laughed before wiping my lips. He smirked and sat down next to me. He has one leg on each side of the bench. He pulled me in between his legs and I slowly cleaned off his lips. "What kind of person uses that much syrup?" He asked, pointing towards my plate.

"I do. I have a sweet tooth." I scrunch my nose before turning back to the food. "Mhm, can I have your bacon?" He asked from over my shoulder. I handed it to him over my shoulder, he bit into it and made me feed him. "You're the worst." I laughed before eating my own food. I looked up at the Gryffindor table and noticed James staring at me.

Aries kissed my cheek, causing me to turn to face him. He kissed my lips gently, "You ready for the game, love?" He asked before placing another kiss on my cheek. "Of course." I smirked and finished my breakfast. Viv walked over and sat next to me, I smiled and looked at her. "Everything okay, Viv?" I asked.

She shook her head and held in tears. I kissed Aries lips quickly before standing up and taking Viv to the bathroom. "What's up?" I asked, wiping her tears. She stopped crying instantly and smiled. "You are bloody scary." I stated, backing up. "James mumbled something along the lines of 'Fallon is mine' or something like that." Viv explained, I raised an eyebrow.

"So, I pretended something was wrong to get you away from him, in case he tried something." She smirked. "You are a genius, but scary." I smiled and took her arm as we walked out. Aries was waiting by the bathroom, "Alright, Price?" Aries asked, she nodded and took off.

Aries pulled me into his chest, cupping my jaw with his left hand. "Your friends are a bit weird." He laughed before slowly moving in. "Oh, like yours are so normal." I scoffed before pecking him. As we walked down to the pitch James and Sirius were placing bets with Peter and Remus.

"Fallon will easily catch the snitch!" Peter argued. "I have to agree with Wormtail, but Davies will give Fallon a run for her money." Sirius added. "Betting on me, boys?" I teased, they turned around and smiled shyly. Peter and Sirius shook hands, I smirked and went to tease Sirius before being cut off.

"Riddle! Your father has a message for you!" Rosier shouted. Aries' grip tightened on my waist. "So my father moved on from Avery. It seems like Rosier has graduated from scum to a bitch! Congratulations!" I sneered. Evan stepped forward and Aries shoved him back before he could get to me. "I'd back off if I were you Rosier." Aries hissed. "Hiding behind your boyfriend Fallon, you've gone soft." Rosier smirked.

"Please! If anything Aries is simply saving you from having your ass beat in front of the entire school." I hissed before stepping closer to Rosier. "I think you are forgetting who I am. Let me remind you." I smirked at his frightened face.

"Daughter of Lord Voldemort, a sixth year witch who can do both wandless and non-verbal magic, I was taught all about the dark arts at age 4, and I watched my entire family be murdered by the man you take orders from. The difference between me and you is I have the balls to stand up for myself, not cower behind a man who is full of empty promises." I stepped closer, Rosier, Avery, and Severus backed away.

"Now, since father dearest is sending you to do his dirty work. I have a message for him. I want you to repeat it exactly as I say. 'Stop sending your pathetic bitches for your dirty work. If you want something from me, get off your ass, don't be a pussy and come get me yourself.' Understood?" I asked, Rosier nodded before leaving.

"You called your father, well that." Peter whimpered. "What is he going to do? Honestly! The man is scared of everything." I shrugged before dragging Aries with me. "My girlfriend is a badass." Aries smirked and kissed me as we walked into the locker room with the rest of the team.

Time Skip

Christmas Week

We all gathered in the Great Hall by request of Professor Dumbledore. As I walked in with Aries, Dumbledore motioned me over to him. I kissed Aries cheek before walking up to Dumbledore. "I have heard you found out about my mission with James." He smirked, I nodded slowly. "I do need to apologize. I underestimated you, truely. I would like to have a longer conversation with you after the feast." He smiled and ushered me back to the table.

"He is such a weird man." I mumbled to Aires, he laughed and held me close to him. I looked up and noticed Lily and James quietly arguing, I turned my focus to Dumbledore. "Hello! Good evening children. I have one big announcement and then I will let you get to eating." Dumbledore smiled.

"As you know you were given the option to stay for the Christmas Holiday or return home. You were told there would be an event, but no other details. I am however glad you all got your dress robes and formal gowns for this event." He clapped, which got all of our whispers to quiet down.

"Now, the event that I have so gladly built up. Is a Christmas ball. A Christmas masquerade ball at that. On Christmas Eve night, everyone will gather in the Great Hall for a ball, with music, amazing food, and a night to remember. Now that it is being a masquerade ball, I do hope you arrive with your date, because once you walk through the doors, you will not be able to take off your mask until the stroke of midnight, to welcome Christmas day." He added, students whispered again.

"Now, let the feast begin." He smiled and food appeared on the tables. Aries kissed my neck. "Would the lovely Fallon, do me great honor and be my date?" He whispered before kissing my neck. "Mr. Flint, are you trying to bride Miss Riddle?" I teased. "Of course not." He answered and backed up. "If I say yes, will I get to cuddle you tonight?" I asked, he smirked. "Whatever Princess Riddle would like." He winked.

"Don't call me that again." I groaned, he moved closer and kissed my neck. "What color is your dress, love?" He asked as he piled food into his mouth. I groaned and wiped the corners of his mouth. "Obviously green." Marius joined in. "Actually, it's a navy blue ball gown." I smirked. "Going Ravenclaw on us?" Aries teased, I rolled my eyes.

He brought me closer to him. "You will look perfect in any color." He whispered before joining in on the conversation with Vincent and Gregory. I smiled and looked up, noticing James staring at me. 'I think you'd look stunning in the navy blue. I always told you blue was your color.' James spoke, only he wasn't moving his lips. 'Cheeky bastard. When did you learn Legilimency?' I answered back.

'Over summer. Are you wearing blue because I told you, you look stunning in it?' He asked. 'Absolutely not! What would Lily think of this?' I pressed back, he rolled his eyes and turned to Lily and kissed her. I looked away and focused on the conversation at the Slytherin table.

Aries grabbed my hand and kissed it gently before helping me up. We walked hand in hand towards the common room. "Fal!" Sirius shouted, dragging Remus by his hand. I turned around and Aries held me against him as James walked over with Peter and Lily. Marlene, Viv and Regulus joined us soon after. "Yes, Sirius?" I asked, looking at him suspiciously.

"After the ball, head to the Gryffindor common room for a party, it'll just be us again because there is a party in the Room of Requirement." Sirius smiled, I nodded and looked at Aries. "You have to come this time." I smirked, he laughed and kissed my temple. "Of course love." He smiled before going back to glare at James.

Lily and I both noticed they were glaring at each other, we rolled our eyes before turning to each of them. I grabbed Aries' face while Lily grabbed James', we kissed them at once. They turned their attention to us once again. "Do you need me to bring anything?" I asked Sirius, Sirius turned to Remus. "Just yourself and Aries." Remus smiled.

Aries and I took off toward the dorms and left Lily to scold James. "Stop being a prick! He treats her well!" Lily scolded James, he cowardly ran towards the Gryffindor rooms. I smirked and held Aries' hand tight. "Excited for the ball?" He asked. "Of course, who wouldn't be?" I asked and kissed his cheek. 

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