T H I R T Y - S I X

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Mattheo POV

"Good evening class." Uncle Moony spoke. Draco was wrapped up in a sling from buckbeak. "Today we are going to look, well can anyone tell me what is in there?" He asked. "That's a boggart, that is." Dean spoke up. "Very good, Mr Thomas." He praised. "Now, can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" He asked once more.

"No one knows, boggarts are shapeshifters. They take the form of whatever a person fears the most. That's what makes them so," Granger trailed off. "When'd she get here?" Ron squeaked. Elara walked over to me, I placed my arms around her waist and pulled her against me. She leaned on me and watched her dad teach quietly.

"You'd think they were dating." Ron spoke to Harry, he looked back at us. "I call his mom my aunt and he calls my dad his uncle. That's a bit weird don't you think?" Elara snapped at Ron, still fed up with him from Care for Magical Creatures. I snickered and kissed her head. "Elara, why don't you go after Neville." Her dad spoke. I nudged her forward, she tossed me her book.

Neville went first, the thing he feared the most was Professor Snape and he casted "Riddikulus." Making Professor Snape wear his grandmother's clothes. The class burst into laughter. Elara stepped up and drew her wand. I watched closely, the boggart turned into Sirius Black getting his soul sucked out.

I stepped closer, she lifted her wand higher. "Riddikulus" She muttered, a stag, a dog and a wolf pranced around the dementor chasing it away. She had tears in her eyes, I pulled her into my chest. She gripped onto my shirt, I lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist, I brought her to the back and placed her on the table.

I let her cry in my shoulder, I ran my hands through her hair. "Hey, it's okay. He still has his soul." I cooed, she sniffed. "He's alright." I kissed her forehead. Harry went and his boggart turned into a dementor, Uncle Moony jumped in front of him. I rubbed Elara's cheek, "You still have the three stuffies?" I asked, she nodded.

"It's alright, El." I kissed her head. Her dad walked over, she wiped her tears and smiled at him. "I'm okay." She nodded and made him walk away. "I'll watch her." I reminded him, he ruffled my hair. I helped her down and handed her her books back. I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked with Draco to lunch. "El, you okay?" Renee asked, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Yea." Elara muttered softly. "Mine was watching my dad die. I never knew how he died but that was my biggest fear." Renee cooed. "Elara, are you okay?" Ron asked softly. Elara scoffed and looked at me. "Shove off, Weasley. She doesn't want to talk to you." I spoke, Elara smiled thankfully. "Who are you to speak for her?" He hissed. "I know her better than the back of my hand." I spit.

"Theo, just take her to lunch." Renee spoke. I nodded and leaned to kiss Renee's temple. I pulled Elara into me and walked to lunch. My mom walked up to her. "You dad told me." She whispered, Elara jumped into my mom's arms. "I just want him to be safe. Does that make me a terrible person?" She asked.

My mom sat at the table with her. "El, you aren't a terrible person for wanting your father safe." My mom reminded her. "You know, your father picked your name. He loves you, and no matter what he did or didn't do, he always loves you." She kissed Elara's head. "I have to go, but you have Mattheo, Draco and Renee." My mom stood up and kissed my cheek.

"Stay with me?" Elara asked, patting the seat at the Gryffindor table. Draco laughed and walked away. "Oh, you are pushing being the favorite Black." I teased and sat next to her. "Hey El! How are you kid?" Fred asked as he sat next to Renee. "Better." She smiled. "What are you doing here, Riddle?" Ron sneered. "Taking care of my cousin." I snapped.

Elara laughed and handed me the rest of her pudding. I took it and ate it gratefully. "Did your mom sign your permission slip for Hogsmeade?" Elara asked, I nodded and looked down at her. "Did your dad? Or was he still mad about the journal?" I asked. "Still mad, I'll ask tonight. Also, twat." She smacked my chest, making me cough on the pudding. "You said taking it will tell me about my dad." She glared.

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