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Slytherin v Ravenclaw

"Fallon, you need to get up!" Evan laughed as he pulled the cover back. I groaned and opened my eyes. "Regulus, get him away from me." I growled, Evan hopped up and moved. "Did I forget to mention she hates being woken up?" Regulus smirked before kissing my forehead and throwing my quidditch clothes on my face. I grabbed the clothes and walked to the shower.

As I changed and walked out Evan, Aries, Regulus, and Maruis were talking on my bed. "How are you four even allowed in the girls dorms?" I asked, tossing my dirty clothes in the hamper. "That is thanks to Regulus, he charmed them to only allow us up." Aries smirked. "Ready for the big day, Riddle?" Marius asked. "Sure." I faked a smile and got my shoes on. All the boys left and Regulus grabbed my wrist.

"Fallon, what's up?" He asked, I signed and rested my forehead to his chest. "I have been avoiding the majority of the school, since the incident with Potter. Now I have to go see everyone." I groaned. "Fal, everyone in the bloody school is on your side. Sirius even gave James shit." Regulus pointed out. "Don't leave my side until I say." I warned, he smirked and walked us down to the Great Hall.

As we walked in the Gryffindor table went silent, I ignored them and walked to Aries. "Good luck Miss Riddle." Slughorn smiled and walked out with the Professors. Potter jumped out of his seat and ran out following Madam Pomfrey. "Eat, Fallon." Maruis ordered, I ate toast and drank pumpkin juice. "Let's go team." Aries cheered and led us out of the Great Hall. Once we got into the locker room, Aries began to give a very long and boring speech.

"Aries." I interrupted, he smiled at me. "Just say to kick Ravenclaw's ass." I shrugged. "Right um. Let's kick Ravenclaw's arse!" He shouted, I shook my head as all the boys cheered. We walked to our tunnel and Slughorn, Madam Hooch and Madam Pomfrey walked over. "Fallon, I'm not sure I can let you play." Madam Pomfrey spoke, "What! Why?" I asked. "Well, it was brought to my attention we haven't checked your head." She spoke softly.

"I refuse treatment." I stated. "Fallon, are you sure dear?" She asked. "Yes, you can check me after." I shook my head, Aries patted my back. "Who brought this to your attention?" I asked before they headed off. "James Potter dear." Madam Pomfrey smiled and left. "That little pri-" I was cut off.

"WELCOME! HOGWARTS STUDENTS! To the first Quidditch match of the year! Ravenclaw versus Slytherin!" The cheers were deafening. "Please welcome the Ravenclaw team!" Liam Jordan announced. He began introducing each member of the Ravenclaw team. "Now welcome the Slytherin team!" He shouted, cheers from the Slytherin house and some from the Hufflepuff house echoed in our tunnel.

"Team Captain and Chaser Aries Flint, Chaser Marius Pucey, Chaser Alexandre Montague, Beater Vincent Crabbe, Beater Gregory Goyle, Keeper Mikhael Bletchley and finally the newest addition and only girl! She beat James Potter's time! She also kicked his ass last week! Seeker FALLON RIDDLE!" He shouted, I laughed and flew out next to the keeper Mikhael.

"Captains shake hands!" Madam Hooch shouted, Flint and Davies shook hands before separating. "On my whistle! One ... Two ... Three!" She blew her whistle. "AND they're off! Montague has possession of the quaffle! Passes it to Flint! Flint shoots and SCORES! Ten - nil! Slytherin is in the lead!" Jordan shouts. I flew above the game searching for the snitch. I caught sight of it above Puecy's head. I flew down towards him, before I could reach him Crabbe flew in front of me and blocked the bludger. I smiled and ascended again.

"SLYTHERIN SCORES! It's fifty - nil! Ravenclaw is having a bad day!" Liam announced. I watched Bletchley stop all of their attempts. "Fallon! FIND IT!" Flint shouted at me. I focused on the field, I saw it fly right in front of the Ravenclaw seeker, the Ravenclaw seeker oblivious, I flew down and pushed him out of the way.

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