F I F T Y - O N E

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"I have to kill Dumbledore." I sighed, Evan choked on his firewhiskey, Severus choked on his breath. "Sorry what?" Evan breathed. Aries walked into my room. "Fal, is there any way you can play for Reg next game?" He asked, handing me a muffin. I took the muffin, "He did fine against Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw." I mumbled. Evan and Severus were having a panic attack while I spoke with Aries.

"Fal! Focus." Evan shouted, Aries frowned. "You said you had to kill Dumbledore." Severus frowned, Aries stood up. "What the hell, Fal." Aries huffed. "Shut up and listen to me." I demanded, they nodded. "When I showed James the future all I saw throughout the entire future was Dumbledore constantly putting Ha- us in trouble." I sighed.

"H-He puts James, Sirius, Regulus, Remus, and Lily in trouble. Even you Sev." I added, Aries sat down, Evan huffed and paced. "Okay." Severus nodded, I nodded slowly. I hugged Severus, he held me close to his chest. "How?" Evan asked, finally finishing his pacing. "I can't tell you that." I breathed, he nodded. "Yea probably for the best." Evan sat on my bed. Aries stood up and kissed my head.

"Be safe, Fal. And wear my jersey for tomorrow's game." He handed me his jersey and kissed my forehead. "Love you, Fal." Aries shouted walking out of the room. "Evan leave please." I begged, he nodded and kissed my head. Severus looked at me, I walked in between his legs as he was sitting on my bed. I ran my fingers through his hair, he smiled lightly.

"I have a really big favor to ask of you." I choked, he frowned and held his hands on my hips. "Go on, love." He sighed. "I-I need you to kill my father." I breathed, my voice shaking. "Fal, why aren't you doing it?" He asked, brushing my hair back. "I-I. The things I've been collecting. We-Well, my father made me one. S-So I have to die before you can kill him." I explained, he froze and held my waist tighter.

"Fal, I-" I held his face. "I need you to. I know it'll be hard and I know I'm going to cause you pain. But you didn't see the alternative. The alternative is worse for all of us. Sev, please." I begged, he sighed. My lips quivered while searching his eyes, he nodded. I sobbed and hugged him. "When?" He asked. "Soon." I whispered, he nodded. He pulled us into the bed, bringing the covers up to our chins. I cuddled into his chest while he held me close.


"Look how pretty the Slytherin Princess is!" Aries cheered, kissing my cheek. I rolled my eyes and ate my breakfast. James was staring from the other side of the hall. "Sev. I need you to kiss me." I mumbled while eating. I swallowed the food and drank water, Severus stood up and tilted my chin back. He kissed my lips gently, I heard a bench scrape the floor. James stormed out of the hall.

Sev rubbed my head and walked with me and Evan to the pitch. Marlene grabbed my upper arm, pulling me from the boys. She slammed me against the wooden post. I held my hand up to stop Sev and Evan. Marlene shoved a paper in my hand. "Enough with the pathetic stunts, Riddle. That lie you told James about our futures was uncalled for." Marlene hissed. "Read it." She whispered before shoving the boys away.

I pulled the note out, "We all know you aren't lying about the future you showed James. We all came to the conclusion that we don't care. You aren't allowed to sacrifice yourself to save us. It's unfair and uncalled for." I read through the note. "Fucking Gryffindors." I scoffed and threw the note in my pocket. I sat in the stands with Evan and Severus. We cheered for Aries mostly.

"Seeker Regulus Black and Seeker James Potter are neck and neck! Who will reach the snitch first!" Liam screamed. "Get it James!" McGonagall shouted, I chuckled lightly. "JAMES POTTER CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS!" Liam cried, I smiled faintly before joining Aries on the field. Severus was behind me while Aries walked towards us. "Sore loser, Flint?" James taunted.

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