T H I R T Y - T H R E E

179 12 0

August 29, 1991

"Mattheo! Do you have your list?" I asked. He ran down with it. "Got it!" he cheered and we waited for Renee and Viv and Elara and Remus. "Ready for your first year?" Renee asked Mattheo. He nodded and smiled at her. Renee is starting her second year while Elara and Mattheo are starting their first year.

Remus ruffled Mattheo's curly hair, it was a dark brown and moved lighter as it reached the ends. Fading out to the same hair color as mine. "Uncle Moony, can you take me to get fitted?" Mattheo asked. "What?" I asked, sounding hurt. "I just don't want you to embarrass me." He shrugged. "Yea, I'm not taking you. Your mom is scary." Remus laughed.

Mattheo smiled shyly at me, I took in his appearance. As he grew his features developed to look more like James. His hair being the same curly mop on his head. His facial structure was very similar as well as the eyes. Mattheo got most of James' looks along with my attitude and hopefully my brains.

"Mom? You okay? I didn't actually mean it." He mumbled, I pulled him close to me. "I'm okay, love." I whispered, kissing his forehead. "Then why are your eyes getting all teary?" He wiped a stray tear. Remus and Viv looked at me, I smiled and looked back at Mattheo. "You just, look so much like your father." I sniffed and cupped his cheeks.

Viv rubbed my arm and Remus planted a kiss on my head as they walked to floo. Mattheo kissed my cheek before dragging me to the floo as well. "Don't be too sappy." He groaned, I shoved his head as he walked towards the floo. We arrived at Diagon Alley, Remus, Elara, Renee and Viv were waiting for us.

We headed to Madam Malkin's Robes, I led Mattheo in. Draco and Narcissa were already in there. Elara and Remus went towards the girl section, me and Mattheo were brought to the boy section. "Hop up on this platform, dear I'll be back soon." Malkin spoke and smiled. "Hey, Theo! Hi Fal!" Draco smiled and waved.

Narcissa walked over and hugged me before hugging Mattheo. I hugged Draco, he smiled up at me. Another little boy walked in and Malkin put him on the other side of Mattheo. "Hey there, Fallon!" Hagrid smiled. "Hi Hagrid. How have you been?" I asked. "As best as I can." He shrugged.

"Merlin's beard, Fal. Little Theo grew up." Hagrid laughed, I smiled and nodded. "Ah, since I have you. Happy late birthday, Fal." Hagrid smiled, handing me a small box. "Also, Professor Dumbledore wants to offer you the teaching position at Hogwarts for History of Magic." He smiled shyly.

"Hagrid, you and I both know how I feel about Dumbledore." I eyed him, he nodded and looked the other way. "I should be on my way, I have to get this kid his things." He smiled and left. "I'm Mattheo, Mattheo Riddle." Mattheo stretched his hand out. The kid with glass shook his hand, I looked at the kid's face.

I froze and bumped into Narcissa on the way to back up. "Fal?" She whispered. "Is that Harry Potter?" I asked, she looked over my shoulder. She nodded slowly, "And I thought Mattheo looked like James. He looks like James but has a blend of Lily in there." I breathed heavily. "It's okay, just breath." She rubbed my back.

"Mom, I got my robes. Can we get the wand first?" Mattheo hopped off the platform with Draco and they both had robes. "No, we can get that last." I laughed, rubbing his cheek. "Why?" He begged. "Because, knowing you, you'll try and cast a spell." I smirked, he sighed and I took the robes. Narcissa and Draco took off, as me and Mattheo turned, Harry grabbed my hand.

I turned, "Um, excuse me?" Harry spoke softly. "Yes, Harry?" I said without thinking. "Ho-how do you know my name?" He asked, looking up at me. "I knew your parents." I smiled, he smiled and nodded. "What did you need?" I asked, "Um, where is the wand store?" He smiled. "Follow me, okay?" I smiled, he nodded and walked with Mattheo.

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