T H I R T Y - N I N E

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"I can't believe you resigned without telling me!" I groaned plopping in the chair. "Fal, I just got Sirius back, plus I could have hurt kids." Remus sighed. "Yeah, I know." I hummed, messing with then quills. "You'll be fine." He ruffled my hair. Harry ran into the room, I looked up. "You got sack?" Harry asked, Remus shook his head.

"Oh. Um, Fal- er Professor." He mumbled. "She kissed your father, I think you can call her Fallon." Remus laughed. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Harry. "What's up, Harry?" I smiled. "I was wondering if my dad is going to be there to tell the Dursleys I can go with you guys." He looked up.

"I'm sure he will, but if not I can talk to them." I assured him, he nodded before slowly walking out. "Harry, out with it." I demanded. "Do you really love my dad?" He blurted. Remus grabbed his bags and left the room. "I can assure you, I have only been with your dad. Love, I haven't told him that so I don't want to tell his son before I tell him." I laughed, he nodded.

When we walked into the Great Hall, Mattheo ran up to us. "The Daily Prophet got a picture of Da- James and Uncle Sirius. The Minister gave them a story." Mattheo muttered, I looked up and all the students were staring. "Well, um. Just eat so we can leave for the train." I smiled, Mattheo looked at me.

"I finished eating, can I go to your room?" He asked, I nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "And suddenly I'm not hungry." Harry added and left with Mattheo. "Twats." I mumbled before walking to Severus. He handed me the Prophet, I sighed and opened it.

James Potter and Sirius Black sighted!

The minister reports that James Potter has in fact been alive since the attack on Halloween night 12 years ago. It has also been confirmed that it was in fact Peter Pettigrew who was responsible for the attack on the Potters. Sirius Black is an innocent man and is now reunited with his friends and family. 'We really have to thank Fallon Riddle. She's the reason I'm alive and the reason Sirius is proven innocent.' - James Potter states. Is James Potter and Fallon Riddle a couple now?

"Oh bloody hell. Did he have to open his mouth." I groaned and let my head fall on the table. Severus placed his arm under my head before it hit the table. "You'll be fine. Plus you can yell at him later." He smirked. "Are you and Harry's dad dating?" Lavender asked, I looked up and glared.

"Miss Brown, your Professor's lives are not any of your concern." McGonagall snapped. "I think I should resign." I sighed. "Nope." Severus smirked, I shoved him and groaned. "The train is now here! Everyone may make their way to the train." Dumbledore spoke. I stood up and walked with Severus.

"You know, you can come around the manor. Meet your godson properly." I smiled. "I thought Remus was his godfather?" Severus turned to me. "He is. But I told you you would be as well." I smiled, he smiled and hugged me. "I'll write." He kissed my head as Mattheo and Harry joined me.

"I hope you know, I'm going to kick your father's ass." I groaned to the two of them. "Harry! We have tickets to the Quidditch World Cup. Mione said she'd come, would your dad let you?" Ron asked. Harry turned to face me, "I'm sure he'll say yes." I smiled, he nodded and walked with Ron.

"We didn't get tickets huh?" Mattheo sighed, "Sorry love." I mumbled. He nodded and left to go sit with Draco, Pansy and Blaise. I apparated to Kings cross and noticed Sirius, James and Remus messing with each other. "You three never change do you?" I smiled. James lit up and walked over to me. "Hey, beautiful." He smirked and leaned in.

I moved my head to the side, he pulled back and looked at me. "Telling Skeeter that I saved you and you have to thank me, she thinks we are dating." I crossed my arms. "Technically we are married." James smirked, I smacked his arm. "That's not the point!" I smacked him again. "You do realize how much attention you put on your boys, right? They didn't even want to be in the Great Hall for breakfast." I shoved his chest.

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