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A week into school

"Rise and shine, pretty girl!" Aries shouted, pulling the curtains in my room open. Allowing the disoriented sunlight from the black lake to creep in. Illuminating the green sheets that covered my slightly golden skin tone. "Aries! What time is it?" I groan covering my head with the covers. "6:30 am, love! Time for practice." He cheered. I groaned and threw a pillow at him before getting up and grabbing clothes to practice in.

"Is there something specific to wear?" I asked from my bathroom. "Nope! Just clothes you can sweat and practice in." He shouted from my bed. I changed into green shorts and a black tank top, throwing Regulus' Slytherin hoodie on, that I stole mind you. "You owe me chocolate." I grumbled walking down where the rest of the team waited. The seven of us made our way down to the field, chattering about the first match against Ravenclaw.

Once we reached the field the Gryffindor team was finishing up. Aries was discussing the outline of practice, while we waited. "What's up Riddle? Trying to sneak a peek at my moves?" James raised his eyebrows with amusement. "Don't flatter yourself Potter. If anything, shouldn't you be the one trying to sneak a peek at my moves. After all I did beat your time." I smirked before kissing Sirius cheek and joining my team on the field.

Flint had us practice relentlessly for an hour until he finally called it. I flew back to the ground, huffing, trying to catch my breath. Aries nudged me and I punched his arm lightly. He showed me to the girls locker room. Being the only girl on the Slytherin Quidditch team it was quite nice being alone in the shower and being able to dress in peace. Walking out of the shower I wrapped the black towel around my body. As I rounded the corner I noticed James fucking Potter.

"POTTER!" I screamed, backing into the shower. "Shit! Sorry I-I thought you'd be dressed!" He stuttered. "Accio clothes!" I mumbled, my clothes flew into my hands. Quickly, I changed into my black skirt, white button up and my Slytherin robe. I straightened out my skirt as I emerged from the showers again. Potter had his eyes screwed shut, I smacked his head and pushed my way to my bag.

"Riddle, I'm sorry. I swear I didn't see anything." He pleaded. I snapped my head to him, He stood up straight and backed up slightly. "Tell me why you're here or get out." I snapped. He wrung his hands together before running out of the locker room. I blew a few pieces of my hair out of my face and swung my bag over my shoulder. As I walked out of the locker room Sirius and James were speaking in hushed tones next to the door.

I slammed the door shut, causing them both to jump. Remus and Peter had rounded the corner and stopped in their tracks looking at Sirius and James, holding each other while watching me with fear. "What the hell are you two doing?" I snapped. Remus and Peter stood closer behind me. "Sirius can explain." James pushed Sirius closer to me. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot impatiently on the ground. "Fal, er. James had something to ask." Sirius mumbled and shoved James forward.

James stepped back and Sirius shoved him again. James toppled on top of me. Knocking both of us to the ground, given no time to brace for the fall, my head crashed against the stone floor. I shoved James off me and cradled my head. I let out a sharp gasp of pain, mixed with shaky breaths. Sirius stood above me, staring down with fear. James, who just slid his glasses back on watched in fear as I removed my hand from my head. My hand had blood on the palm. 

Aries and Marius Pucey, two of the Slytherin chasers, walked out of the boys locker room. "Fallon? Salazar! What the hell happened?" Aries questioned, furiously looking at the four Gryffindor boys standing around me. Marius helped me to my feet, feeling dizzy, I stumbled and he caught me. "R- I'm sorry." James cried standing up, trying to walk towards me. Aries pushed him back. 

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