F O R T Y - N I N E

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-Fallon's POV-

~Summer starting Year 6~

I walked onto the platform with Evan, Aries and Severus at my side. "It's alright, we got you." Evan kissed my temple. I nodded and stood closer to Severus. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "Playing the card of the two of you are dating?" Aries asked. "No, I just feel safe with him." I sighed, they nodded.

"Fallon." Sirius ran up to me, Evan and Aries shoved him back. "Fuck off Black." Evan hissed. "Move or I'll curse you." Sirius spit. "Really think that's going to make her forgive you?" Aries chuckled. "Fallon, please." He begged. I stepped closer, "I trusted you. I-I saved your ass from your parents so many times. I stuck up for you, I treated you like my brother. For you to use me as much as Potter did." I scoffed.

He held my cheeks, "Fallon, curse me, hex me, jinx me, bloody do whatever! Ju-just don't, don't die on me." He choked. "That's not really your choice, Black." I shoved him away. "Fallon." He reached for my hand but Severus shoved him back before holding my waist once more. "Fallon." Remus stood in front of me.

"Y-You. You planned this ambush." I laughed hatefully. "Fallon, please." He begged. "Fuck off, Remus. That goes for Sirius, Peter, Lily, Marlene, Regulus, Viv and James Fucking Potter." I spit. Severus walked me into the compartment, avoiding prying eyes. "I hate myself! I hate me, because it was so hard to walk away from them." I sobbed into Severus' shoulder. He sighed and held me close, Evan and Aries shoved Sirius and Regulus away before walking in.

"Relax, Fal. We can handle them for you." Even kissed my head before sitting with Aries. The train ride seemed to bore on, the boys I was with read dark arts books, Severus was scribbling away in his potions book. I stood up and walked towards the bathroom at the end of the hall. "Prongs, please. Just give her a few days." Sirius' voice broke. "Sirius! She hates us! She can't bloody look in our direction! Sh-She told us we are the reason she is sacrificing herself so we can be happy. When all we've bloody done is hurt her!" James shouted.

"Mate, please. Shouting isn't helping. Let's think." Remus sighed. "I still think we should tell Dumbledore, he could help her and maybe stop her." Peter squeaked. I walked into the bathroom and ignored their shouts and protests with each other. "Fal." Viv choked, looking at me in the bathroom. I walked past her to the cubical. "Viv, what are you doing?" Lily's voice spoke. I walked out and washed my hands.

"Fallon." Lily breathed, I ignored them and kept walking. Marlene grabbed my upper arm and pulled me back. "Fuck off, McKinnon." I spit shoving her off me. "Finally! A little more emotion from the heartless bitch!" Marlene spit. "Marls." Lily warned. "No, Evans! I get it, the fucking boys hurt your. They broke your trust, they lied. EVERYONE FUCKING LIES! Get. Over. It." She got in my face.

The boys opened the bathroom door, watching it happen. "Believe it or not, McKinnon. This isn't about broken trust or lies. I'm proving how different I am from my bloody father. That you, and all of these fuckers like to compare me to." I spit. "You are only acting more and more like him when you shut out your emotions!" She screamed. "Ask James what he says of your future." I spit and shoved her away from me.

"You know what? Why don't you all ask about your future? Then you can decide if my life is worth what yours turns into." I spit and walked back to the compartment with Severus, Evan and Aries. "Here's a chocolate frog." Evan tossed me it, I scoffed and sat down in the corner. Once we arrived at the school I marched straight up to Dumbledore's office. I knocked on the door bringing all my courage up.

"Enter." Dumbledore's voice rang, I pushed the door open and walked in. "Professor." I nodded. "Fallon, what a surprise. To what do I owe the pleas-" He stopped. "I know how to kill my father." I spoke, he sat up straighter and gestured for me to sit down. I sat and spun my wand in my hands. "Fallon, that is a serious-" I stopped him again. "Professor, my mother was a seer, you know this. I-I have been practicing. I know what my future holds and I know what I need to do." I breathed.

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