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A/N: I realized you don't know much about me. So, I'm 17, a senior in high school, I am going to attend Chico State in the fall. I'm a Virgo, my house is Slytherin, favorite golden trio era character is George Weasley and Marauders era is Remus Lupin. I am single after a long-term relationship and I need friends who like Harry Potter or reading!

February 25, 1980

"FALLON!" Sirius shouted. Severus groaned and nuzzled into my neck. "I'm going to hex him." He hissed, I laughed and looked up when Sirius ran in. "Black, it's 3 in the morning!" Severus snapped. "I didn't ask for my daughter to be born at this time!" Sirius shouted. I sat up, with the help of Severus, "Sorry what?" I asked, he nodded and pulled me up.

"Remus is throwing up anxiously. Marlene is having contraptions. I'm the only sane one!" He shouted. "Contractions, Sirius." I tried not to laugh. "Don't correct me! I'm freaking out! James blocked off the Floo and Lily won't answer the owl!" He started to hyperventilate. "Can you deal with Remus?" I asked Severus, he nodded and left.

"Okay, take a slow breath in, now a slow breath out. Good. Now, take my arm and let's wake Viv." We walked quickly to Viv's room. I woke her up while Sirius dressed Renee. I told Viv what was happening and she stood up and helped Marlene get to the hospital. "What do we do with her?" Sirius asked, holding a half naked Renee by her legs.

I face-palmed and grabbed the poor child. I dressed her in warm clothes and grabbed her blanket and binkie. She reached for her dad's sweater, which we turned into a blanket. I walked out with Sirius and Renee. Severus took her from me and we all made it to the hospital. The lady stopped us, "Only the father is allowed in the room." She snapped. "We are both the father." Remus muttered shyly. 

"I know basic biology. Only one can be." She smirked. I stepped forward. "Now, what is your name?" I asked, she stood up. "Healer Hook." She smiled. "Healer Hook, weren't you ever taught that the patient is always right?" She stopped smiling. "Now, they say they are both the father, do you know what that means?" I asked, she nodded. "They both are the father, say it with me." I treated her like a child.

"They both are the father." She spoke softly. "So let them in." I smiled, she nodded and opened the door. "Get me your lead Healer." I snapped, she took off. I turned to face Severus, he let his laughter escape, Renee laughed as well. "Bloody hell, Fal." He smirked and led us to the chairs near the door. Renee reached for me, I smiled and pulled her into me.

James and Lily came running into the waiting area. "Have we missed it?" Lily huffed. "We just got the boys in." I smiled, she nodded and held her stomach. "Bloody kid kicked my bladder. I'll be back." She huffed and walked away. Viv walked out, "There's my pretty girl!" She cooed and picked Renee up. She wrapped her in the blanket and placed the binkie in her mouth. After a few moments of Viv swaying her she fell asleep again.

"How's Marlene?" James asked, Viv shrugged, "She's Marlene, she can handle anything." Viv smiled. "The real question is how is Remus?" Severus smirked, James looked taken back. "He's calm, he got it out of his system." Viv laughed. Remus ran out of the room. "Fal, Sirius passed out." He groaned. I sighed and got up and walked to the room. "SIRIUS! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" I shouted as I walked into the room.

After a few hours Marlene finally gave birth to Sirius and Remus' little girl. They called us in once the Healer left the room. Severus held my waist while everyone walked in. Marlene was smiling watching Sirius and Remus fawn over the little girl in their arms. "Everyone, this is Elara Lupin-Black." Sirius announced. "One of Zeus' lovers." I smirked, whispering it quietly. "James, would you be her godfather?" Sirius asked, James nearly fainted.

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