T W E N T Y - N I N E

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September 23, 1979

"Fal, can you help me?" Lily cried, I walked into her room and she couldn't zip the dress and Marlene's belly was in her way. I laughed lightly before nodding and grabbing her zipper. Once I zipped her up she turned and smiled at me.

"Thank you for planning this day, Fallon. I know we haven't talked about how hard this is on you." Lily smiled, I shrugged it off and hugged her. "Congrats, Lily." I smiled and walked out. Severus was waiting for me outside the room.

I linked our arms as he walked us to our seats. Marlene sat next to us, "I feel like I'm carrying a watermelon." Marlene hissed I laughed and patted her leg. "Marls, the baby is the side of a grapefruit right now. When you are ready to push then it will be a watermelon." I laughed, she cursed under her breath.

Sirius and Remus were standing behind James, James looked at me. "Fal," he spoke in my head. I frowned and closed my head off to him. Severus cupped my cheek. "Don't let him in." He reminded me. I nodded, Severus leaned down and kissed my cheek.

The music started and we all stood up for Lily. She walked down and James was a mix of smiling and frowning. We all sat and watched the ceremony. "I do" Lily spoke, tears running down her cheek. James hesitated, he glanced at me.

"Say you do. Make her happy." I spoke to him, he turned to Lily. "I do." James spoke, I sighed and held Severus' hand, he kissed my head as they walked by. We sat down for dinner and Sirius kissed my cheek. I smiled and held his hand as he walked by.

Once dinner finished the tables were pushed to the sides and everyone started to dance. Severus held his hand out. "Since when do you dance?" I asked, "Since you made me soft." He smirked, I smiled and took his hand.

He held me against his chest, I sighed and nuzzled into his neck. "This kid may not be mine, but he's yours. And I'll love and care for him as my own." He whispered. "She, Sev." I whispered back, kissing, his cheek. "It's going to be a boy." He smirked as we danced.

Sirius cut in, he held his hand out for me. I kissed Sev's cheek and took Sirius's hand. Sirius spun me and pulled me into him. "You and your pure blood dancing." I teased, he snorted and swayed us. "You know, I don't approve of your relationship with Snivy." Sirius added.

"Don't be a prick." I hissed, he smirked and kissed my head. "But if he makes you happy, I can't say much." He smiled, I nodded and held him. "Let me have her back." Severus whispered, Sirius groaned before letting me go.

We congratulated James and Lily before leaving. When we walked into the manor Viv was holding Renee's hands while she tried but failed to walk. I bent down and kissed Renee, "How's the pretty girl?" I cooed, she laughed.

"How was the wedding?" She asked, I looked up. "Painful. But bearable." I forced a smile. "She needs rest right now." Severus kissed my head, I crossed my arms. Severus groaned and picked me up. He carried me to bed, "I hate you." I groaned, he kissed my cheek.

"Just admit you love me." He teased, I flicked his head. He stopped walking and looked at me. "I love you?" I questioned, he smirked before tickling me. "Nevermind I hate you again!" I shouted he put me down and kissed my neck. "I love you too, Fal." He whispered before tossing me his shirt to sleep in.

January 1980

"Wake up, lovers!" Sirius shouted, throwing a pillow at Sev. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. "Black, the next time you wake me up like that, I'll put poison in your tea." Severus hissed. I laughed and struggled to get out of bed.

"Sev! Help me." I whined, he laughed and helped me out of bed. "Lily, James, and Peter are coming." Sirius announced, I nodded and grabbed clothes. Severus helped me get changed, I slide on the dress and he pulled it down for me.

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