T H I R T Y - O N E

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A/N: The author that created Mattheo Riddle has all rights to that character. I did not create that character.

June 1981

Severus POV

"I want the entire McKinnon family wiped out. Immediately." The Dark Lord hissed, slamming his almost transparent fist to the table. "Travers, you lead the attack on the McKinnon family. Make Marlene McKinnon suffer." He smiled evilly. "I want to send a message to the 'Order of the Phoenix'." He turned to face others. He dismissed the meeting, standing up I made my way with the crowd out of the door.

"Severus." He called airly. I froze and turned to face him, Bellatrix passed by with a smirk. He waited for everyone to leave, walking closer he reached into his pocket and took out a fold picture. He handed it to me and smirked waiting for me to open it. I unfolded it and looked down at the picture.

The air in my lungs was suddenly cut off from all air supply. Looking at the picture, it was Fallon kissing Mattheo. Mattheo was dressed in green and red onesie for his first christmas. That very picture was in my pocket just five minute ago. I looked at it before coming into the meeting seeing their smiling faces made it easier to lie because I had something to lose.

"I was unaware my daughter had a child." He spit, I stood straighter. "When were you going to bring this to my attention?" He asked, brandishing his wand. "I want to try and learn if she had the same connection as Abigail had with her." I lied coolly. He smirked and nodded. "Very well. How much have you learned?" He asked, stowing away his wand.

"So far not much. The first three months of him being born she wouldn't let anyone near him unless she was present. Recently, she has been showing the signs Abigail showed when Fallon was first born. Possessiveness, anger towards anyone who makes him cry, being able to sense what and where his pain is." I explained. "There is a quick way to make sure, are you familiar with it?" He asked, smiling.

"I only know the basics, My Lord." I spoke up. "Bring him to me." He smiled and walked out of the room. Before I made it out of the Manor, Bellatrix's screeching laughter drew my attention. "Send it out, Harry Potter is my target. I will kill his parents and anyone who stands in my way." The Dark Lord hissed.

I apparated to the Order meeting, Fallon hugged me. "Marlene, sh-she was just killed. Her entire family." She cried, clutching to Mattheo and me. I looked up and saw Sirius throw a glass at a wall while Remus was holding onto Elara. Viv held Renee and rubbed Lily's back. James was holding Harry and trying to calm Sirius.

"Let me hold him. You take care of Remus." I muttered, she nodded and kissed Mattheo. I grabbed her hand lightly. "I'm taking him to Dumbledore." I smiled, she hesitated. Tell me no, take him from me, anything, Fallon. "Okay keep him safe." She smiled, kissing his cheek then mine. I let out a shaky breath, apprating to Dumbledore's office.

"Severus, have you heard the news about the McKinnons?" He asked, already knowing the answer. "Yes, he sent Travers while I was there." I spoke, Mattheo curled into me more. He smiled as I stroked his back, coxing him to sleep. "Fallon let you take him? Surprising." He hummed before walking around. "He's after Harry." I blurted.

"After Harry?" He questioned. "He chose Harry Potter, as the boy to fulfill the prophecy. He said he is going to kill his parents and anyone who stands in his way. You have to protect them, all three of them!" I beg him.

"What will you give me in return for their protection?" He asked, slowly sitting down. "Anything." I spoke, Mattheo cooed in my ear. "Anything?" He seemed shocked.

"Is Tom aware of Mattheo?" He asked unexpectedly, I nodded slowly. "Good. Good." He trailed off moving across the room. "The Dark Lord asked me to bring Mattheo to him. We have to keep" he cut me off.

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