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Lunch with the Weasleys

"Fal! I can't find a dress shirt!" James shouted, I walked into the closet and pulled a green one out. "Here." I tossed it to him. "How dare you! Slytherin Green!" He threw it back at me. "James, it's green not Slytherin green." I laughed. "I need another color!" He demanded. I crossed my arms and eyed him. "I-I can get it." he mumbled and kissed my temple. "Good boy." I patted his cheek, he frowned and walked into the closet.

"And what are you wearing to lunch?" He asked, coming back into the bathroom with a black shirt and a red tie. "James it's a lunch, not a fancy dinner." I laughed and undid his tie. I rolled his sleeves to his elbow. "Much better." I smiled and kissed his lips gently. "I am wearing the red sundress, Mattheo bought me for one of my birthdays." I smiled and grabbed it off the hook.

"Why did he buy you a sundress?" James asked, his hand trialed against my back. "He wanted me to flirt with people at Narcissa's small party." I smirked, his smile dropped. "I am going to have a talk with him." He groaned. "I didn't go." I smiled and slipped the dress on. "Can you zip me?" I asked, pulling my hair to one side.

"Have I told you how stunning you are?" he mumbled against my shoulder, placing light kisses to my skin. "A few times." I smiled. His hand trailed down my spine to the zipper, he pulled it up slowly. Kissing the back of my neck before placing my hair back down. "MOM!" Mattheo shouted walking in.

James held my waist while I touched up my makeup. "Yes, love?" I answered. "Harry has a crush o-" Mattheo was cut off with Harry jumping on him. James laughed and leaned against the wall, I scoffed and walked forward. James grabbed my hips and pulled me flush against his front. "Let them get it out." He whispered.

"I will tell them!" Mattheo shouted. "I'll tell them too!" Harry shouted. "Okay, enough." James demanded, they pulled apart. "THEO LIKES MIONE!" "HARRY LIKES ELARA!" They shouted at once. I placed my head on James' shoulder, he wrapped his arms around me. "We noticed." James smirked, the boys looked dumbfounded. "I don't like Granger, I said she's attractive. There's a difference." Mattheo snapped, Harry rolled his eyes.

"You can handle them." I patted James' chest and left the room. "MOM!" The boys shouted. "You look pretty, Fal." Harry was red. "Beautiful, mom." Mattheo added. I smiled and walked out of the room. "Auntie, I can't get the tables to stay unfolded." Elara groaned as she walked inside. I waved my wand and had the tables set in the flower garden.

"Auntie! I need help!" Renee cried, Viv rolled her eyes and sat on the chair beside me. Sirius and Remus walked out rubbing their temples. "Auntie! Dads won't let me wear a dress." Elara complained. "Renee what do you need?" I smiled. "Which dress? Should I wear orange or red?" She asked. "Orange is Fred's color and red is the house color." She blushed. "Orange." I smiled, she nodded and ran upstairs.

"Now, Sirius, Remus, why can't El wear a dress?" I asked. "She's too young." Sirius crossed her arms. "She only has ball dresses that were for Narcissa's balls." Remus shrugged. "Get one from my room." I winked at her, she smiled and ran up the stairs. James walked down and into the garden. "Why did El tell me I have the best girlfriend?" He snickered, leaning down to place a kiss on my lips.

"Why didn't you correct her? And because I'm letting her borrow a dress." I winked at Sirius. "She's not allowed to date, ever." He slammed his hand on the table. Remus rolled his eyes and kissed Sirius temple. "She's your daughter she'll never listen. But she's also mine so she'll find a way around it." He smirked.

"Do you see what I deal with?" Sirius asked, looking at James. "Yea, me too." James pointed his thumb at me. I elbowed him and walked inside, he chased me. "I love you." He kissed my neck gently. "Gross, get a room." Mattheo teased. James smirked at Mattheo, "I think we made you in that room." James pointed to the room we had sex in. "James!" I shouted.

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