T W E N T Y - F O U R

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"PADS! MOONY!" A drunk James called grabbing the two men and pulling them in for a hug. I moved off to the side and walked towards Viv and Regulus. Viv hugged me and held my hand as a lifeline when Lily walked down the steps with Marlene in a 'Bride-To-Be' sash. I fake my smile, laugh, and affection the entire night. Peter walked around with a magical and muggle camera.

"Fallon! Take our picture! Wormtail, get in here!" James shouted, obviously drunk. I took the camera from Peter and waited for him to join the three other boys. "Okay, ready?" I asked, they smiled brightly and drunkenly. I snapped the picture and looked at it as it developed, James walked over and looked at the picture with me.

The smell of James' cologne with his minty breath and the liquor from my cup, his cup, and our breath is lethal. I handed him the picture and turned to bring the camera back to Peter. James' fingers latch onto my wrist, gently enough to stop me. "Fal," He spoke, sounding the most sober the whole night. His thumb rubs across my palm. "I-" He starts, but I quickly cut him off.

"I don't want to hear it." I hissed, sounding similar to my father. It startles me a bit, hearing a voice so full of anger and hatred, come from my own. It almost sounds foreign. Peter walks over, taking the camera from my hand, I smile gently at Peter before moving to the group. Lily begs Peter to take our picture. She pulls me against her side, Viv and Marlene join us.

I place my arms around Lily's waist and she does the same to me. Viv is rubbing my back, she's my lifeline, keeping me in check, to make sure my emotions don't slip. Peter snaps the picture, my once fake smile now fades as Lily rushes over to Peter and takes the picture from the camera.

Remus, the only sober boy in the house walks over and wraps his arm around my shoulder. "How are you feel-" I pulled away from his grip. "I don't need to be monitored." I frowned, quite hurt that they think I'll explode. Viv's subtle touches and actions are enough, at least she doesn't make it verbally known.

"Fallon, I was just checking." Remus whispers, I scoff and place my drink down. "I don't need to be monitored." I spoke again. Grabbing my coat I walk over to Lily. I kiss her cheek gently. "Congrats again, Lily." I smiled, she frowned and was about to question me. "Not feeling all that well, a headache." I lie straight through my teeth.

"Ugh, all that alcohol. Well, feel better. See you at the next meeting." She smiles and hugs me. She's so happy, so calm and preppy. How can she not be? Besides the looming fact there is a war coming and coming fast. I mean she is engaged and soon to marry James Potter. How can anyone not be happy, content, thrilled with their life, if they were marrying James Potter?"

I hugged Viv and Regulus, moving on to Marlene and Peter. I bid them goodbyes spilling the same lie I told Lily. I have to be consistent. I have to remember what lies I tell to who, otherwise the lies come spiraling in on me. Without speaking to James, Sirius or Remus I apparate straight back into my bed at my mom's manor.

Stepping out of the clothes that smell of hard liquor, and - James Potter. I threw the clothes off my body in a hurry. Standing in my knickers in front of the pile of clothes. I stare at the clothes, the fire from the fireplace in my peripherals. I sink to the floor, silent sobs, tears run down my cheek. Nothing to hear except for the crackling of the fire.

Pinky walks in, she's shocked by the sight she took in. "Mi-Mistress?" She choked. I laughed lightly, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "I'm pathetic." I choked. Pulling my knees up to my bare chest. "Mistress, shall I get Mrs Potter?" She asked, I shook my head. "Mistress, yo-you are not well." She cried pulling a blanket over my body.

I snapped my wrist and made the clothes fly into the fire. "Mistress!" Pinky exclaimed, unsure if it was purposeful. "It smelled like him." I sobbed, more tears flooded out. "Mistress, I apologize." Pinky cooed before apparating out of the room. I watched my clothes burn up, the flames from the fire grew brighter and hotter. The crackling of the wood and clothes grew louder, echoing in the quiet room.

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