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A/N: This is going to go quickly because it is in 6th year. There will most likely be 3 to 4 chapters after this before we get into 7th year. Enjoy!

Walking into the Great Hall, James and Lily were holding hands as they walked through the doors. Flint threw his arm around me, I smiled and hugged him. "You know, it's my last year, and you still have another year." He whispered. "I noticed, Flint." I laughed as we sat down. "Well, I talked to Sluggie. And I want to make you captain once I leave. You'd be," I cut him off by jumping out of my seat and tackling him.

"Miss, Riddle! What is the meaning of this?" McGonagall scolded. "Sorry Professor." I blushed. "I just gave her the new Professor Slughorn, McGonagall no need to worry." Flint nudged me. I kissed his cheek and sat back down. "Congratulations dear." McGonagall whispered.

I smiled and waited for Reg to join me. I yanked his arm and he sat next to me. "I get to be Slytherin captain once Flint leaves." I whispered, he smiled and hugged me. Placing a kiss on my head. "Proud of you Fal." He whispered before watching the sorting. "Hey, have you seen Sev?" I whispered quietly, Reg shook his head.

"Flint, have you seen Severus?" I asked quietly from across the table. Flint looked around quickly before looking back at me and shaking his head. "Rosier is missing too." Reg whispered. "You don't think he would, do you?" I asked, Regulus shrugged before placing food on his plate that had just appeared.

I huffed and slowly put food on my plate. I moved the food around my plate, occasionally glancing at the doors. As I looked up towards the doors I noticed Severus, Rosier, Avery, Wilkes, and Mulciber walk in. I froze and turned to Regulus. "Mulciber and Avery got their mark last night. Narcissa warned me." I whispered.

He brought me closer and instructed Flint to come sit next to me. Flint beat Severus to the spot next to me. Severus walked to the other side and sat in front of me. I refused to look at him. "Fal," Severus whispered, reaching over to grab my hand. I flinched back and placed my hands in my lap.

"Well, that was a delicious feast. Pip pip, off to bed." Dumbledore spoke. I stood up quickly and left towards Sirius and Remus. "Sirius!" I shouted as I neared him. Severus grabbed my wrist and brought me into his chest. I tried to get out of his grip. "Severus, let me go." I hissed.

"Fal, let me explain." He whispered. Sirius, Remus, Peter and James were listening and getting closer. "I told you what would happen if you," I trailed off, showing a look of disgust on my face. "I didn't though. I can show you." He begged. Sirius walked closer, "Hands off, Snape." Sirius spit.

"This doesn't involve you, Black." Severus sneered. "Show me." I demanded. Severus huffed and brought up his sleeve to show his bare forearm. I sighed with relief, Sirius scoffed and pulled me away from him. Sirius handed me to Regulus. "Don't let Snivellus near her." Sirius ordered.

"Sirius, he doesn't have it." I argued. "Fal, I don't care. It's bad enough you are in the same house as the same people who are ordered to bring you to your father. He's guilty by association." Sirius argued, I turned and looked at Remus. "He watched old law films over summer." Remus explained, I nodded.

Regulus kissed Viv and then grabbed my wrist and dragged me past Severus. Once we made it into the Slytherin common room, Regulus kissed my forehead and shoved me upstairs. "Reg, why are you doing this?" I questioned, angrily. "Because I love you, and you need help with your judgement." He teased before walking away. "You're a pain Reggie!" I shouted before walking into my dorm.

Time Skip

Slytherin v Hufflepuff

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