F O R T Y - F O U R

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A/N: Happy Pride Month! Also, I didn't know you had to have 1000 followers on tiktok to go live so I can't do that. :( Sorry!

Fallon POV

"Fallon, have you seen Harry?" James asked anxiously as he struggled to pull his shirt over his head. I walked over and unbuttoned his top buttons before sliding it down. "How many times do I have to tell you he'll be fine. Elara is looking out for him." I sighed, buttoning his shirt back up. "I know, but-" I cut him off with a gentle kiss on his lips. He held my waist and relaxed against my touch.

"Now, let's go watch him complete the first task." I smiled and took his hand as we walked towards the pitch. "Hey mom, dad." Mattheo greeted us with Draco at his side. "Hey love. Elara is with Harry?" I asked, seeing James look around. "Yeah, in that tent. He is waiting for you two." Mattheo smiled and left with Draco.

We walked into the tent and James smiled brightly, Harry ran past him and into my arms. "Oh, hey." I cooed, pulling him closer. "I'm so nervous." He mumbled, I ran my finger through his overgrown hair. "I know honey. But you can do this, I know you can." I kissed his forehead. "Give your dad a hug, he's been crazy all morning." I laughed lightly.

Harry walked over to James and hugged him, James sighed and kissed his head. Elara walked over to me, we smiled and watched the two talk. "He's getting in his head." Elara muttered, I hummed. As Harry pulled away from James, Elara smirked and walked over to him. I took James' hand as he watched Harry and Elara. Elara stood on the tips of her toes and kissed Harry's cheek.

"Good luck, scarhead!" She called as she exited, James' jaw dropped. "I'm so telling Padfoot." James laughed and ruffled Harry's hair before leaving. "Good luck, love." I kissed his head and left behind James. "I'm telling your fathers!" James teased Elara. "I'll tell Aunt Fal, what you did to Professor Snape." Elara smirked, I nudged James.

"She is Remus and Sirius' daughter, I don't know why you are shocked." I laughed and kissed his cheek. He held my waist as we separated ways with Elara and sat near the Professors. I sat next to McGonagall, James sat next to me and kept his hand on me. "Nervous, James?" Minerva smirked at me.

"No, I-I have full faith in him." James mumbled, growing quieter. I kissed his cheek and turned back to Minerva. Severus walked over, "Lucius is here, don't make a scene James." Severus spit. I looked at Lucius. He smiled and sat behind us with Severus and Igor. "Why the bloody hell did Dumbledore let so many death eaters in his school?" James whispered to me before kissing my cheek.

"Now you understand why I don't trust that man fully." I whispered back before Charlie brought out a dragon. "Dragons!" I whisper-shouted, looking at McGonagall. She looked sickly pale, I held James' hand. Dumbledore walked over and sat in front of Minerva, she smacked him with her hat. "You let Harry, a boy! Compete with dragons! Albus, what is going through your head!" Minerva spit.

I kept James calm, slowly rubbing my hand over his and placing gentle kisses on his jaw, neck and cheek. "Would it really be a shame if the boy failed. He wasn't supposed to be in it anyhow." Igor laughed with Lucius. I snapped my head round, Minerva and James held my hand. "One more word out of your mouth Igor and I'll make sure that mark hurts much more that it is right now." I spit, he went white and sunk in his seat.

"How'd you know his mark was hurting?" James asked. "The scar Bella gave me is burning a lot more recently. It was a hunch, but seeing as the mark appeared during the cup, and how much he flinched, it was a guess really." I shrugged. Cedric, Krum and Fluer had finished their task. Igor huffed at the score for Krum, "Bet the kid won't last five minutes." Igor tried to whisper, Lucius moved closer to Severus.

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