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Time Skip

As I grabbed all my bags I headed to Dumbledore's office. Approaching the eagle it started to reveal a staircase. I took the stairs up to his office, knocking on the large wooden door. "Come in Miss Riddle!" He announced from the other side of the door. I pushed open the door and walked in. "How did you know it was me Professor?" I asked as he smiled at me. "I had an inkling you were coming." He smiled and gestured for me to sit down.

"Lemon drop?" He offered a bowl of yellow hard candies. "Er, no thank you Sir." I mumbled before sitting in the chair. "What can I do for you Miss Riddle?" He questioned taking the seat behind his desk. "Please, just Fallon." I cringed, he nodded slowly. "Well, he sent me another letter. He kept telling me that I am going to regret giving you the parchments without reading them. I guess, I'm just a bit anxious about what was in the parchments. I was hoping I could see them?" I fiddled with my fingers.

"Of course, dear." He smiled and waved his wand. The parchments flew onto the desk and in front of me. I picked them up and looked through each parchment. 'Marriage Agreement' was written in perfect penmanship at the top of the third document. I studied the bullet points carefully.

Marriage Agreement

To whom it may concern, and our beautiful daughter,

On Christmas Eve night during the ball, Fallon Abigail Riddle will choose her husband to be. As the clock strikes midnight, whoever she is holding hands with or has any physical contact with will be bonded to her for life, in marriage. The rules and any other terms on this document were made and signed by Abigail Riddle, Mother of Fallon Abigail Riddle.

Fallon and her future husband shall and will be exempt from being Death Eaters.

Fallon and her future husband shall and will be safe from all harm caused by Tom Marvolo Riddle.

In the event that Fallon and her future husband become with child, her husband, and their child(s) shall not and will not be injured, tortured or killed by Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Abigail Riddle

Tom Marvolo Riddle

I looked up at Dumbledore, dumbfounded I set the papers down. He cleared his throat, I looked up quickly. "Professor, at the stroke of midnight on Christmas morning, I-I was alone." I stuttered, he nodded. "I suspected. I can only guess on who or how this works. Your father might be trying to figure out who your future husband is. I believe that was the main reason for his outburst during Christmas." He explained.

I nodded and stood up. "I should get to the train." I smiled shyly. "Of course dear. Might I ask, where are you staying this summer?" He questioned as we walked down the staircase. "Most likely Vivienne Price's house, Professor." I spoke softly. James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter were waiting about seven feet from us. I turned to face Dumbledore, he looked down at me.

"Professor, I would like to keep this between us. I don't want the boys to know yet. Especially Sirius and Regulus." I forced a laugh. "Of course Fallon, I do hope you figure out who your future husband is." He nodded and took off. I let out a sigh and walked towards the boys, "Where's Viv?" I asked softly.

"She's helping Reggie finish his last minute packing." Sirius laughed, I rolled my eyes. "Fal, what did Dumbledore want?" Remus questioned softly. "I wanted to speak with him actually." I corrected and turned to look for Viv and Regulus. "And what did you want?" Sirius pushed gently. "Not anything of your concern." I snapped, Viv grabbed my hand.

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