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~A/N: So sorry to disappear like that. I moved into college and had my move in week and this Monday was my birthday and first day of classes. It was a bit hectic but I will try and stay on top of updates! Enjoy!

~First Hogsmeade Trip~

Severus and Evan walked with me to hogsmeade after we got out of the carriages. "Peter, just try. She shut us down already." James mumbled from behind us. "Evan, scare Peter please." I sighed, he nodded and smirked. "Pettigrew." Evan smirked and shot a curse towards him, Peter whimpered and ran back to James. Sirius, James, Remus and Peter followed us into the three broomsticks.

I sat at a table in the back with Evan and Severus, Evan bought drinks. "Merlin's sake, I feel like vomiting." I groaned. "Well if you do, aim for Potter." Evan smirked, placing the butterbeer down. "Fallon! Where is my favorite female Riddle?" Bellatrix screeched. I looked up and saw Greybeck with her as well as Dolohov. "I'm going to vomit." I muttered.

Remus, Sirius, James and Peter snapped their heads to me. Bella skipped up and hugged me, I hugged her back. "What did you want to talk about dear?" She asked. "I wanted to speak with you alone Bella, not with the wolf." I spit, he huffed. "What's Lupin doing here?" Greyback sneered. "Greyback, behave." Dolohov groaned.

"I think I ought to finish the job I started." Greyback hissed. I cursed him to sit in the chair, he groaned and fought my magic. "You will sit here and shut the hell up." I spit, he huffed. I turned to Bella who was smiling widely, "Sev, please." I begged, he nodded and casted his silencing charm over Bellatrix and I.

"Impressive. What did you need, Fallon?" She asked, sitting in the chair. "My father gave you a job- Don't even try to deny it. He told me himself over summer." I huffed, silencing her. "He wants you to give me the items he gave you to protect, the Helga Hufflepuff cup. I need it." She squirmed in her seat. "Spit it out Bella." I sighed, she stood quickly, James and Sirius stood quickly.

"They still want to protect you?" She hummed to herself. She grabbed me and held her wand at my throat, James and Sirius drew their wands. Lily, Vi, and Marlene walked in. "Curse the mudblood, then I'll believe you." She spit. I drew my wand, James frowned and looked at me. "Crucio." I casted, Lily fell to the floor, Marlene dropped with her. "Good, let's go." Bella demanded.

I lifted the curse and walked out the back way with Bella, Dolohov, and Greyback. "Stay here, I'll bring it to you, Dolohov watch her." Bella spit. She appararted away, Dolohov pulled on my hair. I swatted his hands, he smirked and walked away. Greyback grumbled, still in pain from my curse. "How's your boyfriend?" Dolohov asked. I glared at him, he chuckled and walked closer to me.

He held my waist, tucking my hair behind my ear. I noticed James and Sirius turn the corner looking for me. "Want to piss him off?" I asked, Dolohov smirked and noticed James and Sirius. He pulled me closer and placed his lips on mine. "They're gone." Greyback mumbled, I looked and saw James taking his jacket off and throwing it. James marched straight towards us, he sent a curse at Greyback.

Sirius followed up with another curse at Greyback making him go into a full body bind. Dolohov drew his wand and Sirius knocked him out. I reached for my wand, James grabbed my arms. He pulled my wrists into one of his hands. "I didn't realize you were a death eater whore." He spit, "Mate." Sirius mumbled. I stared into James' eyes, he froze and stared back. Lily, Marlene, Vi, Regulus, Peter and Remus walked out.

"I-I love you, Fallon. I know you still care." He whispered, holding my face. "I cursed Lily." I admitted, he tensed up and looked at me. "Fal-" I shook my head. "I'm broken, James. Y-you deserve Evans. Be with her, get married, have a happy family." I choked, he wiped my tears. He leaned closer, "I want you." He whispered, "You don't." I choked and cursed him back. Greyback and Dolohov woke up, "Don't." I demanded.

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