T W E N T Y - S I X

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"Fal, can we talk?" Reg asks quietly. I looked towards Sirius, Remus and Severus. "Alone, please." He mutters, looking down at his mark hidden behind the thin cloth of his button-up. "Yeah, sure. In my room?" I ask, walking towards him, no words are spoken from him, just a simple nod. We head up the wide staircase leading to the second floor. Down the hall to the room at the very end.

Opening the door to my room we walked in. I made my way over to the black arm chair in the corner, Regulus is pacing up and down my room. "Reg?" I question, he holds up a hand, gesturing for me to go silent. He pulls on his long black curls at the root, he exhales deeply. I stand quickly and grab his hands lightly.

"Fal, I found your dad's secret." He muttered. "Reg, calm down okay. Sit for a minute." I spoke softly, bringing him to the other arm chair. He sat down on the edge of the seat, bouncing his left leg quickly. "Reg, what's going on?" I asked, taking his hands in mine. Slowly, his leg stopped bouncing and he collected himself.

"You father. In order to be immortal he created horcruxes. In order to create a horcrux, yo-you have to," He stopped, unable to finish it. "Kill someone." I breathed, he nodded slowly. "How many?" I asked, looking up. "He has 5 now. Himself, the snake, a diary, a locket and someone very close to him. I know where the locket is." He whispered, I nodded and wrote it down.

"He has plans to make more I believe four more. He talks about a diadom, ring, and goblet." He explained, I wrote it all down and put it in my mother's files. "Have you figured how to destroy one yet?" I asked, he shook his head. "I'm working on it." He breathed. I grabbed his hands, he looked up at me.

"I will work on it. You have a daughter coming, you need to be safe." I ordered, he shook his head. "How can I keep my girls safe if he'll be after me or expect me to be on his side?" He ran his hands through his hair. "Reg, you can't get on his bad side. He doesn't even know about them." I assured. "But it's only a matter of time, Fallon!" He shouted, standing up abruptly.
"Reg, please." I reached for his hand. "Let me help, let us all help." I begged. "No! I have to protect my family!" He argued.

"You wouldn't have to if it wasn't for my father. Let me help." I demanded. He scoffed and walked towards the door. "Regulus!" I shouted, chasing him down the stairs. Sirius, Remus, and Severus walked out of the living room and watched. "I can help you!" I shouted as he reached the fireplace. "I can take care of them myself, Fallon." He hissed before using the floo to disappear.

I sighed and sunk into the ground. "What happened?" Sirius asked. "He found out how my father is making himself almost immortal." I sighed, taking my hair out from the ponytail. Severus joined me on the floor, he pulled me into his side. "He won't let me help, Sirius." I looked up, eyes full of tears. Sirius joined my other side and held my hand. "What do I do?" I asked, looking between all three boys. Lily and James arrived via floo. "Is there a reason three of the four of you are on the floor. Sirius, you are basically cuddling with Snivellus." James taunted.

"Enough, Potter." I hissed, Lily laughed and hugged Remus. Viv arrived next holding her belly. I stood up quickly. "Where's Reg?" We ask at the same time. We sigh realizing he left without going to either of us. "How's my goddaughter doing?" I asked, rubbing her stomach. She smiled and looked at her stomach. "Mhm, she's very active." She laughed as she kicked her stomach. "Next week is April." Sirius cheered, getting on his knees and kissing Viv's stomach.

"I'm excited to meet you, pretty girl." Sirius cooed. He turned to Remus quickly, "Can we have one?" Sirius asked. Remus choked on his breath, Sirius laughed before standing up. "When you put a ring on it, Black." Remus finally composed himself. "What kind would you like?" Sirius asked, Remus looked at me. "Take him to get fixed, this is not my Sirius." Remus whispered, Sirius scoffed and kissed Remus' cheek.

That's The DifferenceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon