T W E N T Y - F I V E

228 14 19

As I woke up the next morning, Severus' arms were wrapped around my waist. I gently pried him off and slipped out of bed. Noticing my bedside drawer open I pulled it all the way open and grabbed the large folder. On the green folder was black lettering with the word, 'For My Darling Daughter'

I sighed and ran my hands down my face, Severus woke up and pulled me back against his chest. "I know she left." I mumbled, Severus kissed my cheek and got up to get dressed. "Come on, let's eat." He distracted me. I nodded, pulling my hair up into a ponytail. I grabbed the folder and held Severus' hand.

He smiled and squeezed my hand as we walked down to the kitchen. As we came closer to the doors leading to the dining room and the kitchen I could hear laughter, cursing, and frantic arguing. I sighed and pushed the door open, as I looked up I noticed Remus cursing at the hot pan. Peter laughing at Remus struggling with the food and Sirius and James arguing frantically with each other in hushed tones.

Severus cleared his throat, James and Peter were the only ones shocked with seeing Severus in my house with his hand intertwined with mine. "What's the folder?" Peter asked, popping a grape in his mouth. "Severus' and I's marriage agreements." I explained with a stone cold face. Sirius doubled over with laughter, Peter choked on the grape and James turned red while Remus shook his head.

I kissed Remus' cheek and sat at the island where Remus was attempting to cook. "Are you serious?" Peter asked, I scoffed. "I'm Sirius, wormtail." Sirius chuckled. "No, you're dumb. I was joking, Peter." I reassured. "Not to be rude, but why are you two here?" I asked looking between Peter and James.

"I tagged along with James, but I actually have to get going." Peter whispered. "Got a hot date, Petey?" Sirius joked, Peter turned red and left. "Shit, does he really?" Sirius looked at Remus and James. "So what's the folder for?" Remus asked, choosing to ignore his boyfriend. I sighed and Severus took my hand in his. "My mother is or was alive. She was here last night." I explained, Remus dropped the wooden spoon, James coughed up his drink and Sirius shattered the bottle of champagne.

"I'm sorry what?" Sirius asked, looking at me. "She was here. Apparently Pinky brought her here and my," I looked at James, "Um, yeah. So she was with me until she brought Severus here." I explained, Remus resumed cooking and muttered things to himself. At everyone's silence I flipped the folder open, the first letter was title 'Your Explanation'

     My Darling Daughter,

I owe you an explanation. The night of your birthday, when your father barged into our celebration, it was planned. I told him to come one night, I did not know he was going to choose your birthday. I told him that in order for the special bond you and I have we have to be separated by a tragic event. We only made you believe I was dead. Know what I told him was a lie, no matter if I'm dead, alive or we are separate you cannot be hurt, due to the Marriage Agreement your father signed. I know this is hard to understand, but the other numerous amounts of letters will help. Here's a summary.

When I married your father, my parents, your grandparents, made the two of us sign a Marriage Agreement. This said ritual of the Marriage Agreement has been around for generations. The Marriage Agreement as you now know of does not let the mother and children to be hurt by the father or any other parental figure. It mentions nothing for the father. However when I drew up your Marriage Agreement I made sure your husband could not be harmed by your father, knowing the kind of man your father is.

Now this Agreement, it makes a magically bonded vow almost like the unbreakable vow. When you were born my position in the 'vow' for protection was severed and was now tethered to you. If in the future you do have kids with your husband that you are bonded by the rule your father put on. Whoever you were touching physically at the stroke of midnight the night of the ball, is now your magically bonded husband. Anyways, if you do have kids with that person, the father (your husband) and your children, will be protected. The protection you once had is now severed and given to your child and any other children you may have.

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