F O R T Y - S E V E N

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A/N: I stole my sister's laptop to write this!

"Today, we recognize a life that was taken from us. It was a tragedy, but what is even more of a tragedy is that the ministry does not wish you to know the truth. I believe you should know how Cedric was taken from us. A man named Tom Riddle," Dumbledore spoke, James took my hand. "He now goes by the name of Lord Voldemort. He is back, I hope that you all believe what Harry says and what I say." He finished with a moment of silence.

I saw some Hufflepuffs throwing looks at Mattheo, James gripped my waist. "I do wish that you all know to tell the difference between Lord Voldemort and the people who are, yes related, but nonetheless have nothing to do with Cedric's death. That goes for your Professor and her son." Dumbledore added, James thanked him. Mattheo made his way to me, I held him close.

"Mom, can we just apparate home? I-I don't want to deal with all the insults and looks." He muttered, Elara reached for his hand. "Theo, it's alright. Sit with me Renee and Draco." She rubbed his hand. He nodded and she walked with him at her side. James wrapped his arms around my waist, Severus joined us along with McGonagall and Dumbledore. "I'm resigning." I handed Dumbledore the letter.

"What?" Severus, James, and McGonagall looked at me. "I'm taking Mattheo out as well." I added walking to grab my luggage. "Fal, you aren't thinking." James grabbed my hands. "I'm thinking very clearly James. Bloody hell, how do you not see it? The kids are terrified of me. I can't let Mattheo be tormented because of my father." He looked confused. "Fallon, you may resign but you may not take Mattheo out of school." Dumbledore spoke, I forced a laugh.

"You don't get to dictate my child's life. You did enough of that to me when you forced James, Sirius, Remus and Peter to do your dirty work. You did enough when you had Severus hand my son to my father for bait." I spit. "You cannot take him out of school, the ministry will hold both of you in Azkaban for it." He explained. I turned to Severus, "I will watch him." He nodded. I grabbed my bags and left for Hogsmeade.

"Fallon, I'd like you, James, Sirius, Remus, and Viv to stay in Grimmauld place for the time being." Dumbledore spoke. "I'm not locking Sirius up in a house where his dead brother lived. I will not have Viv see that either. And I sure as hell would never go back to that bloody place." I sneered and walked out of the castle. Severus grabbed my hand, "I will be over soon." He nodded.

James and I made it to the station and waited with Viv, Sirius and Remus. Amos Diggory walked over, I stood up straight. "M-My son was v-very fond of y-your teaching." He sobbed. I dropped my head, "I-I'm so sorry, Amos." I choked. "It was not you. It was that disgusting wizard." He assured me. I hugged him, "I-If you ever need anything." I choked. "I will let you know." He smiled and left. James pulled me into him, I sobbed into his chest.

I noticed Lucius walking over, I drew my wand quickly. I held it to his neck, "You will stay the hell away from my son." I spit, he groaned in pain as my wand burned him. Narcissa grabbed my hand, "Take him. Save him." She choked. Lucius went to speak but Narcissa silenced him. The train arrived, I noticed Mattheo, Draco, Renee, and Elara talking to each other. Remus held Elara and apprated quickly, Viv took Renee quickly. James nodded and grabbed Harry before apparating as well.

Sirius grabbed Mattheo, I walked over and grabbed Draco. "Fal?" He frowned. "I love you Draco." Narcissa choked, I apparated us away. "Wh-what's going on?" Draco asked, I cupped his face. "Your mom asked if I kept you away from the manor." I explained, the kids listened. "I have reason to believe my father is setting up in your manor." I added, Draco flinched. "I do wish you would stay with us. I don't want you around him, Draco." I rubbed his cheek.

I stood up and opened the floo, Severus walked through carrying folders and letters. I shut the floo and pointed towards the study. "Pinky!" I called for her, and she appeared next to me. "Can you make dinner for us?" I asked, she nodded and apparated away. "Draco, Harry, Mattheo, Elara Renee. It is very important that you don't leave the manor." Moody apparated in. "Not good security Fallon." He looked around.

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