F O R T Y - F I V E

149 10 3

-Yule Ball-

I finished the last touches on my make up, before walking back into our room. "You look gorgeous as always, Fal." James smiled and kissed my lips gently. I shook my head before grabbing my dress. "I am going to help the girls get dressed and finish their hair and makeup." I kissed his cheek and took my dress with me.

As I reached the Gryffindor tower Harry paused with Ron. Their jaws dropped, "Boys, I'm not even dressed yet." I chuckled. "You look amazing, mom." Harry kissed my cheek and walked away with Ron. "Beautiful, Fal." Fred and George winked, I rolled my eyes and made my way up to the girl's room. "Oh! Aunty, help me!" Renee cried as she struggled with her hair.

I hung my dress up and walked over to Renee. I pinned her curls up, and touched up the curls. "You look beautiful, Re." I kissed her cheek. I moved over to Elara, "So, who's your date?" I asked, touching up her makeup. "You'll see." She smirked. I tied her long curls into a ponytail, allowing her front pieces to frame her face.

"Go get dressed so I can send your parents pictures." I pushed Renee and Elara to the bathroom. They ran and got dressed into their dresses their parents sent over. Viv sent Renee a beautiful golden dress that had a somewhat deep v neckline, and it reached to the floor. Sirius and Remus sent Elara a beautiful red ball gown. A moon and star jewel on her waist with jewels wrapping around her waist.

"You two look gorgeous." I smiled and took their pictures together and individually. I walked to the bathroom and changed into my dress. James bought a navy blue dress, tight from the waist up and flared down at the waist. See through sleeves with little silver stars. The stars formed constellations, the constellation of Regulus.

"Aunty, you are tearing up. Are you alright?" Renee asked, Elara walked over. "Your uncle is such a sap." I choked and chuckled lightly. "Re, that's the constellation Regulus, your dad." Elara pointed out my sleeves. "I get to kiss him first." Renee cried and walked down the steps. I followed the girls down.

James, Fred, Harry and Mattheo were waiting at the bottom of the steps. Parvati placed her hand in Mattheo's. Renee joined Fred next, his jaw dropped and he kissed her hand. "You look stunning, Re." He smirked. She kissed his cheek and jumped into James' arms. "I saw the constellation on Aunty's dress." She whispered and kissed his cheek.

I smiled and walked up to him, "I will never get over how beautiful you are." He whispered and kissed my lips gently. "I love the dress, thank you." I kissed his lips once more. He held my waist before shoving Mattheo away. "Focus on your date." He teased. I smiled and kissed Mattheo's cheek. "You look stunning mom." Mattheo kissed my cheek and flipped off James.

"You let him get away with too much." James huffed. I smirked and leaned into James, "As you do with Harry." I smirked. "Fair enough." James sighed and held my waist. Elara walked up to Harry, Harry took her hand and was smiling stupidly at her. "Complement her, Harry." James nudged him.

"You look amazing Elara." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Thank you, Harry. You look nice." Elara chuckled and walked towards the other champions with Harry. I walked into the Great Hall with James, he held my waist as we stood next to the other teachers. Once the champions started to dance, Dumbledore and Minnie went out and danced as well. James and Severus offered their hands at once.

I took James' and winked at Severus. James had us dancing around Minnie and Dumbledore. "Aha, James. Always the one for attention." Dumbledore chuckled. "Of course, especially with a beautiful woman on me." He boasted. "He hasn't changed, Fal." Minnie chuckled. "Not in the slightest, Minnie." I smirked, she shook her head lightly.

I looked back at James to notice him staring at me. "What?" I smiled, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. "You're so beautiful, Fal." He whispered, kissing my temple. "I wish I would have admitted it sooner." He sighed and held me close. I sighed and hugged him tight. "You will always be my everything, Fal." He kissed my lips gently. "And you'll always be my everything, James." I whispered.

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