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A/N: All I have to say is I am so sorry!

A Week Later

"Remus, do you understand this muggle studies question?" I asked, leaning over to Remus' side. He took the paper and scanned over it. He began to explain it to me. I wrote carefully notes while he was speaking. "You should be a Professor, Remus." I smirked. "Not bloody likely. He'd be considered a traitor." Sirius teased, leaning down to kiss Remus.

James lifted my chin up from behind me. "Hey, pretty girl." He winked before kissing me. I smiled and kissed him back. "Are you two done?" James asked, looking at our books and notes. "Because we'd like your company." Sirius added. "Where's Peter?" I asked. "He's getting snacks for all of us." James smiled.

"Come on Moony, take a break." Sirius whined. "Okay what is with the weird nicknames? Prongs? Padfoot? Moony? What's next?" I asked, facing James. "Wormtail." He muttered before kissing my head. "Yes?" Peter answered. "You four are the weirdest boys I've ever met." I mumbled.

James and Sirius cleaned up Remus and I's mess before dragging us along with Peter to their room. Peter dispersed the snacks evenly on each bed and magicked a blanket up in front of all the beds. Remus worked this white little box that produced light. On the white blanket a moving picture played.

James sat behind me and pulled me close to him. "Muggles call it a film. The white box is called a projector." He explained whispering it. He placed gentle kisses on my neck. Brushing my hair to the left side he kissed up and down my right side. "Relax love, don't be tense." He whispered, biting my collarbone lightly. "You are a prick sometimes." I whispered before watching the film.

Safe to say all five of us fell asleep before the movie finished. Peter passed out from the amount of sweets he ate. Sirius fell asleep next while Remus was playing with his hair. Remus then fell asleep once he got comfortable holding Sirius. James switched places and fell asleep with his head on my stomach. I fell asleep last, playing with James' hair. 

Slytherin v Hufflepuff

"Ready Riddle?" Aries asked, barely opening the locker room door. "Yup!" I shouted walking out and heading towards the field. James grabbed me and Aries groaned. "Shove off Flint." James spit. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me. "Good luck, love. You need to win so I can beat you for the cup." He teased. I scoffed and shoved him. He kissed my cheeks and I noticed he had on Regulus old Slytherin sweater.

"You'll be brilliant, love!" James shouted walking away. "You have him wrapped around your finger." Aries laughed, "Oh, I noticed." I laughed before joining the team. "Now for the Slytherins!" Liam shouted. "Chaser and captain Aries Flint, Chasers Marius Pucey and Alexandre Montague. Beaters Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. Keeper Mikhael Bletchley. And finally the hottest Slytherin! OW JAMES sorry! Seeker FALLON RIDDLE!" Liam shouted, I laughed and flew out.

"Captains, shake hands. I want a nice clean game! On my count! 3 ... 2 ... 1!" Madam Hooch shouted, releasing the snitch, bludgers and tossing up the quaffle. The Hufflepuff beaters aimed at me from the start. Crabbe and Goyle were tailing me the entire time trying to protect me. The Hufflepuff seeker almost caught the snitch, I dove in front of him, making him lose it.

After a good ten minutes Flint called a timeout. "Fallon, what the hell!" Flint shouted. "Flint the Hufflepuffs won't stop aiming for her." Crabbe spoke up. "Leave me alone. I can dodge them. Just stay out of my way." I ordered. Crabbe and Goyle looked at Flint. "Fallon," Flint started. "I'm fine." I reassured him. "Alright do as she says. But if you get the bludger send it towards their seeker." Flint ordered.

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