F O R T Y - O N E

168 10 13

James POV

I felt movement under my arms, slowly opening my eyes. I let them fall onto Fallon under me. Her hands were closed into a tight fist, gripping the dark green sheet over us. She was slowly moving her head to the side, almost as if she was trying to get comfortable. I grabbed her waist and pulled her flush against my bare chest.

"I got you beautiful." I whisper, placing kisses against her forehead.

Slowly she started to relax under my touch. Nuzzling her head further into my chest. Unconsciously she kissed my chest lightly, running her small, dainty hand up to my neck. Pulling me closer to her, if possible. I turn to the side, her muggle clock shows 3:20 a.m. I turn back to her, kissing her forehead, once more.

She looks insanely beautiful under the moonlight creeping in through the black drapes on her windows. Her lips slightly parted, eyes shut gently, every once in a while they would flutter. Her eyelashes flutter lightly at her small movements. So beautiful without even trying.

"Godric, Fal. You're so perfect." I whisper, tucking her hair behind her ear.


"I'm sorry James, you must stay here." Dumbledore spoke, Moody occasionally looked out of the window.

The lightning was dull, not much light came from the windows Moody was looking through. It must have been dawn, there was a line of orange on Moody's face. Looking around the room, there was a bed, a bit bigger than the beds at Hogwarts. A door, leading to a toilet and a shower. Back near the bed was a tall dresser, a fridge, and cabinet. Clothes flowed out of the dresser.

The cabinet was slightly ajar, showing the various amounts of non-perishable foods. I opened the fridge, inside were drinks, mostly water, and other cold foods. I turned back to Moody and Dumbledore, they were whispering by the window. I picked up a paper, the Daily Prophet, only it looked slightly different. On the front was, no.

"Fallon's dead?" I asked, turning into their gaze.

Thrusting the paper into his hands Dumbledore sighed, "She did, as did Harry, an"

"Dumbledore." Moody snapped.

"As did Lily, Sirius, Remus, Viv, Peter, and all their kids." Dumbledore continued.

I fell to the ground, clutching the paper, tears formed more quickly than I realized. She's dead, they both, all are. I looked at her smiling face in the paper. Opening it I found a picture of Fallon, Mattheo, Sirius, Remus, Elara, Viv, Renee, Lily, Harry and me.

"Why am I here?" I asked, not bothering to wipe my tears.

"You're the only one who survived, we need to protect you." Dumbledore walked around the room.

"How, no one can survive the killing curse." I turned my attention to Moody.

"We are looking into it." He nodded, avoiding eye contact with me.

Moody never avoids eye contact. This isn't right, they all couldn't have died. I heard Fallon scream, I heard her cry for me. She has to be alive. I heard Harry crying, Hagrid walked by me. Standing up quickly I drew their attention.

"You're lying. I-I heard Fallon crying, I heard Harry screaming and Hagrid walking by me." I frantically explained.

"James, I know it's hard to process and accept. They are all dead." Dumbledore sighed, I turned to Moody.

"They're dead, James. I saw it all." He nodded slowly.

"But I heard her!" I shouted, they stepped back.

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